Reshaped Blocks
This resource pack changes the block shapes and textures of various blocks. it changes the bone block, obsidian, nonflowing lava, mob spawner, infested stone, seagrass, planks, logs, packed ice, blue ice, torch, glass, and hopper
These blocks have the followingshapeson them. some of these blocks are onlyretextured:
bone block –chorus flower
obsidian –glass pane
non-flowing lava –glass pane
mob spawner –dragon egg
infested stone (all types) –fence
seagrass –coral fan(might not be visible in this photo)
planks –brewing stand
logs (not stripped) –brewing stand
packed ice –rows
blue ice –anvil
torch –Lapis Textured
glass –fence
hopper –Iron block textured
This should support any version.
Also, the "Brighter hoppers" is part of this original add-on but it only changes the hoppers and nothing else.
Creator: devDrone