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MCPE/Bedrock Rex Little Things Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

Rex Little Things Addon


hello, I'm mr rex royal and I bring you another addon, this time the rex little things an addon that will add small solutions to big problems in the game!


Have you ever wanted to combine all game tools into one? because now you can with the aiots! the craft is quite simple and you can use it as a sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel and hoe!

 paxels in addition there is a smaller version of aiots a paxel! the mixture of the ax with the spade and hoe

glass pickaxe

 Glass is a transparent block that many use as decoration, but anyone who plays survival mode knows he has a problem! no tool mines it with a good speed... not anymore since we now have the glass pickaxe, joining iron and glass you create the glass bar, and following the pickaxe craft you create this pickaxe she breaks all variants of the glass block at an insane speed 

portable conduit 


another simple tool that is more useful is the portable conduit with which it is possible to gain the conduit effect anywhere 

repulsion resistant armor 

repulsion! that effect that pushes the player every time a mob attacks him or in the explosion of a tnt, this effect often causes problems for the player (dropping off cliffs, or on the void) no more! by creating the obsidian bar you can create 100% knockback resistant armor, as long as the player has that armor no matter what happens he will not move

barrier for mobs

 Have you ever wanted to protect your base from monsters? more without having to build a stone wall? now you can with the mobs barrier, just create the item "mobs barrier" and put it on the block (through the bench) you can choose between 7 models of blocks and after that the mobs will no longer pass while the player passes normally 

zombie scarecrow 

zombies! the basic and most common monster to face in survival, for the player it's not a big challenge but for the villagers it is! if you have a village farm, all it takes is 1 zombie to end it all! no more creating the magic stone you summon the zombie statue, which scares away all zombies (it's the same effect cats have on creepers!) 


at the request of a subscriber I put the enchanted golden apple recipe back in the game 


This addon is compatible with other addons! and if you play this addon together with rex medieval villagers

on the black market, one of the sellers will be selling an iron paxel of this addon 

the addon works on all versions above 1.18 including 1.19! 

social networks

 if you want to know more about this addon take a look at this video...

if you have any problems with the shortener visit...

if you like my addons and want to see more! take a look at my youtube channel...

Check out my discord group...


 if you are going to record a video talking about my addon please leave the download link for this page and credits for my youtube channel! thanks

to play with this addon activate experimental gameplay




download .mcaddon and just click on it and the addon will be automatically imported into minecraft! but sometimes it fails! in this case download in .zip and manually import the addon to your game!


Topic starter Posted : 01/08/2022 4:13 pm