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MCPE/Bedrock Robotic Revolution 2.1 [Final Update]

Illustrious Member Admin

Robotic Revolution 2.1 [Final Update]

Welcome back to the Robotic Revolution! Robo Revolution is Now Fully compatible with 1.17! The Full mod has be recoded, and fits in with the vanilla style much better! Now is a great time to hop right back in.

This is the Final update for this addon, finally adding the ender drill, this update was to be much bigger, but thanks to a corrupted harddrive, you can see where this went.


Note: This addon is built for Survival Mode.

To begin Robotic Revolution, You must go to the end city and get 4 PurPur Blocks of any Kind, and Go to a Crafting table, You will not see the Robot Forge in the recipe book, so use this recipe to make it, Craft it to begin.


Place the Robot Forge and interact with it to Start making Robots.

Iron and Redstone are Essential Materials to Building Robots.



Drones are the Basic Bot, When tamed with iron, you can sit them down, make them follow you, heal them with iron or redstone, and have them swarm enemies.

Combat Drone

Combat Drones are the same as the Basic drones, but have Increased Attack Damage.


The Ranger drone is the Toughest drone, it cannot be tamed and is much like a mobile turret, firing fast arrows at nearby targets.



Reaper is the second most expensive bot, and is a heavy hitter, dealing tons of damage while moving fast, very effective, but hard to craft.



The Dreadnaught is a slow, but extremely dangerous bot, that destroys everything in its way. Its only weakness is being overrun.

Sentry Turret
The Sentry turret is a relatively low defense and cheap bot, yet, much like the Ranger Drone, will shoot lightning fast beams of arrows at nearby targets, yet, ironically, it takes 2x the damage from arrows.

The Undernaught is a small, beetle like bot that deals heavy damage, and hides underground when in movement, very effective for ambushes or swarms.

Missile Sentry

This Small bot seems weak, but dont judge! every two seconds, it summons an airstrike on its closest target, its immune to explosions aswell, having many of these creates the ultimate defense.


Healing Station:

The Healing Station is a Stationary Bot with a Ton of health, anything in a 5 block radius will be buffed.


Ender Drill:

The Ender Drill is a useful and expensive bot, while not being able to damage things, it mines random ores overtime, giving you coal, copper, diamonds, emeralds, gold, and iron.  coal being the most common, and emeralds being the rarest. a very useful mob for Ore farms.




  • New Mob: Ender Drill
  • Addon Officially Complete, thank you for playing!


Please Delete the Old behavior pack and install the new one in order for compatibility to function correctly.

Topic starter Posted : 13/06/2020 3:27 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 03/08/2021 1:46 pm