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MCPE/Bedrock Rogue Mode Addon (V1.0.1)

Illustrious Member Admin

Rogue Mode Addon (V1.0.1)


This add-on tries to simulate the stealth mechanics seen in other games, allowing you to become a stealthy rogue hiding from other mobs by being in the shadows and taking advantage of stealth to ambush them!


Be invisible in the shadows!

When yousneak(by pressing the Shift key) in a place withlow light leveland you don’t haveany tool or weapon equippedin your hand (update), you will get theinvisibilityeffect.

How do I know if I’m in the right place to hide? You will see this icon in the action bar:

When you stop being in the right place, you will lose your invisibility and you will see this other icon:

The places where you can usually hide are incavesand in theshadows of trees at night. However, there are some events that will allow you tohide anywhere at night: when there is a new moonor when it israining at night.

Another feature is that when you take a hit, you will bespotted. This means that you will stop being invisible for10 seconds, and you will see this icon:

You will also bespotted, if youequip any tool or weaponwhile being invisible.



This addonreplacethegold, diamond and netherite hoeintoDaggers. I did this so that the daggers would be better integrated into the game, but in future updates I will change this  and add them separately.

Daggers are weapons that domore damagewhen you areinvisible, because they give you the effect ofstrength x3for3 seconds.

*IMPORTANT.When equip daggers, you will have 3 seconds to hit before you lose invisibility and strength effects. Now with the new update, daggers are harder to use correctly. Because you are spotted every time you equip a weapon, you have to be quick to use the daggers. This is for balance, so that the player cannot one hit one mob after another with the daggers.


Golden Dagger

Diamond Dagger


Netherite Dagger


Assassins are illagers that have the ability to becomeinvisibleandpoison youwith their daggers! They spawn in anyforest at nightand are hard to find. When they are invisible, you will only see the effectparticles.

Other features:



This feature allows the armor standto be used as adecoy, when you put acarved pumpkinon its head. This will cause enemies to start attacking the armor stand, rather than you. Although it may happen that some mobs continue to chase you.

Explosive Decoy:

You can also turn the decoy into anexplosive decoy, by putting aTNT in the hand.  This will turn it into atrap, which will explode after3 seconds, when a target is in range.


Potion of Feign Death:

As the name says, this potion will allow you tofake your death. Well, to be honest, it really kills you, but it makes younot lose items or experienceand you can revive in the same place. This item cannot be used whenspotted!

You can wait as long as you want to revive. It is important to know that using this itemresets the spawn point, so you must be careful when using it.



You can craft this potion combining aFermented Spider Eyewith aHoney Bottle.

This is it!

Hope you enjoy it!!!

I will keep working in this addon. Please, sorry for my English. Let me know if you like it or what can I do to improve it in the comments. Thank you!!!

Change in stealth: Now to be invisible, you cannot have equipped tools or weapons in hand. When you equip tools or weapons while being invisible, you get spotted for 10 seconds and cannot become invisible. Being invisible no longer gives you hunger.
  • Change in daggers: Daggers now no longer grant invisibility at night anywhere. Now when are equipped while being invisible, grant strength for 3 seconds.
  • Added new mechanic: Now when the player is in a New moon or under Rain at night, can be invisible anywhere.
  • Added new Armor Stand mechanics: Decoy and Explosive Decoy.
  • Added new item: Potion of Feign Death.

creator: DannySab


Topic starter Posted : 12/11/2020 5:32 pm