RTX Blocks v3.1.0 (Update! Improved Animations!)
Custom RTX Blocks. No retexturing.
This add-on came to be by me building a school in Minecraft RTX. I use Kelly’s RTX most of the time, but there was one problem: The Element Blocks. I needed them to build a periodic table, but didn’t wan’t to get rid of mirrors and coloured illumination I had used. This is why I decided to add these Blocks separately.
What’s included right now?
- Mirror Block
- Coloured Lamps:
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Lime Green
- Cyan
- Light Blue
- Blue
- Magenta
- White Lamps:
- Cold White
- Neutral White
- Warm White
- Lighthouse Beacons! (Coloured and White Lamp Variants)
- Flashing Coloured Lamps
- Flashing White Lamps
- Smooth Fade Rainbow Lamp
What’s planned?
- survival-friendly (WITH Achievements) Version!
- your suggestions!
How do I get the Blocks?
Since Assigning Blocks to the creative Inventory is currently broken, you can access the Blocks by putting a piece of unstained (normal) glass in the stonecutter.
Will this work for MCPE?
Technically, yes. You will be able to access the Blocks, but certain features like reflections (mirror) and coloured light (they still emit blocklight, but it’s the default colour) are only accessible by turning on ray-tracing.
I do not see the blocks in the stonecutter menu. What do I do now?
To get the blocks working, you need to have turned all Experimental settings on in your world settings.
Umm, I see the blocks, they have names and all, but their RTX properties behave weirdly…
That is very possible since I myself play Minecraft in VR most of the time, which isn’t RTX-compatible yet. Sometimes things just go without my notice. In that case, leave a coment mentioning the issue.
hOw cAn i GeT rTX iN mCPE?!
You can’t. Whoever claims you can, doesn’t understand RTX themselves or just simply lies and clickbaits.
Exact Primary Colours:
Hexdecimal Colour Values in the Name
Emmiting actual Blocklight
How to get:
New (harder) flashing animation:
No RTX Screenshots as of right now. Having Driver issues.
Better Animations for the Rainbow and Flashing Lamps, was too lazy to add top/bottom textures for the lighthouse beacons.
Instead, a survival-friendly Edition is now planned!
- Click on the download link "RTX-Blocks_v3-1-0.mcaddon"
- Wait for the file to fully download
- Open your Downloads Folder in a file explorer of your choice.
- Open the .mcaddon file with Minecraft
- Wait until it says "Successfully imported RTX Blocks [RP]"
- In the world settings of the world you want to add it to, open the "Behaviour Packs" Tab
- Choose "RTX Blocks" from the "Owned" dropdown menu, and click "Activate"
- If a window pops up, asking you if you want to turn off achievements, select OK.
- Done!
Updating Instructions
- In the main menu, choose "Settings"
- Go to "Storage"
- Click "Multiselect"
- Open the "Behaviour Packs" and "Resource Packs" dropdown menus
- In both subcategories, select the "RTX Blocks" pack
- Import the new Version using the Installation Instructions listed above
creator: coderGhost