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MCPE/Bedrock Ruby, Sapphire and Iridium Add-on v1.1.2 (+1.16.100)

Illustrious Member Admin

Ruby, Sapphire and Iridium Add-on v1.1.2 (+1.16.100)


Tired of playing Minecraft and always seeing the same ores and weapons? Well, here I bring you the solution.

This mod includes the ruby, sapphire and iridium ores (ahem Stardew Valley, ahem) along with their crafting (swords, tools, blocks, apples, …) and some legendary swords. 

Currently the mod is in development and in the next few days I plan to add all the ruby, sapphire and iridium tools as well as the armor along with other things that come to mind but I accept suggestions! 🙂 

It supports multiplayer/realms.

Without talking too much, let’s go with the review of the mod:



For the mod to work properly you have to enable all this:

To start, I leave here all the functions that allow you to get any of the things included in this mod (except the obsidian stick and the Notch apple).

/function apples

/function armor

/function blocks

/function ingots

/function ores

/function swords

/function tools

Ores and obtain:

All minerals can be obtained naturally by underground mining or even in chests and exploring dungeons.

This is the frequency of appearance of the minerals and in the layers that can appear:

RubyRare, Can be found between layer 40 and 0.

Zafiro: Rare, Can be found between layer 40 and 0.

Iridium: Very Rare, Can be found between layer 20 and 0. May release 1 to 3 iridium pieces.

All the iridium-related crafting so far requires iridium ingots and, as in Stardew Valley, they can be obtained in this way:




Currently these are the swords included in the mod and now they can be enchanted!

Ruby Sword: Deals 7 damage and has 400 uses.

Sapphire Sword: Deals 7 damage and has 400 uses.

Iridium Sword: Deals 10 damage and has 1750 uses.



I have decided to add both the ruby and sapphire tools now that they are functional and I will add the iridium tools soon, they are enchantable!


Ruby Tools:

Ruby Axe: Deals 7 damage and has 400 uses.

Ruby Pickaxe: Deals 6 damage and has 400 uses.

Ruby Hoe: Deals 5 damage and has 400 uses.

Ruby Shovel: Deals 4 damage and has 400 uses.


Sapphire Tools:


Sapphire Axe: Deals 7 damage and has 400 uses.

Sapphire Pickaxe: Deals 6 damage and has 400 uses.

Sapphire Hoe: Deals 5 damage and has 400 uses.

Sapphire Shovel: Deals 4 damage and has 400 uses.



For now I have only added the iridium armor (it no longer replaces the chain armor thanks to the new Minecraft update) but I plan to add the ruby and sapphire in the next update, they are enchantable too, here the craftings:

Iridium Helmet: Gives you 4 protection and takes 600 hits. Also has 1 knockback resistance.

Iridium Chestplate: Gives you 10 protection and takes 800 hits. Has 1 knockback resistance.

Iridium Leggings: Gives you 6 protection and takes 700 hits. Has 1 knockback resistance.

Iridium Boots: Gives you 4 protection and takes 600 hits. Has 1 knockback resistance.



I have decided to include enchanted apples with each of the ores that are included in the mod and each apple has its respective effects:

Ruby Apple effects:

Fire Resistance V – 5min

Strength II – 3min


Resistance III – 3min

Sapphire Apple effects:

Water Breathing V – 5min

Haste II – 3min

Speed III – 3min

Iridium Apple effects:

Night Vision – 5min

Levitation – 45sec

Slow Falling II – 1’15min

Health Boost V – 5min

Jump Boost V – 3min 


Legendary Swords:

I have finally added effects to the swords that are compatible with multiplayer/realms!
Excalibur“: Deals 18 damage and has 2500 uses. Effects: Strength II, Resistance II.

To make the sword requires an obidian stick, here the craftings:


“Ascalon” (DragonKiller Sword): Deals 15 damage and has 2000 uses. Effects: Night Vision, Jump Boost II, Fire Resistance IV.


Other craftings:

Over here I leave you the crafting of the ruby, sapphire and iridium blocks as well as the block to ores conversion:



Finally, I decided to add the crafting of the Notch apple back to Minecraft since I consider that it’s quite necessary for the game:


- Non-legendary swords, armor, and tools can now be enchanted.

- Ruby and sapphire tools have been added.
- Iridium armor updated.
- Some details of the add-on have been modified and fixed.



1. Download the .McAddon or the Behavior and Resource packs

2. Install the pack to your game

3. Enable "Experimental Gameplay" in the world settings

4. Have fun!

It is possible that if you apply the mod in some previously created world you must explore new areas for the ores to appear.

creator: Prince96


Topic starter Posted : 18/01/2021 1:52 pm