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MCPE/Bedrock Rustic Agriculture | 1.21.60+

Illustrious Member Admin

Rustic Agriculture | 1.21.60+

Rustic Agriculture is a Minecraft Java mod that is now in the process of adapting to Minecraft Bedrock. Add content with medieval theme. Report bugs in the comments of this post or on my Discord Server.

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In this update we implemented a feature that is essential to have the best experience playing the addon. Now the blocks of the addon can be broken with the vanilla tools, allowing to break blocks faster than before. I hope you can try it and if you find any bugs let me know. I will look forward to any feedback.

If you want to see the full changelog open below

Changelog v1.4.3

Rustic 1.21.50 Update:

  • Changes:
  • Rustic planks and logs can be combined in recipes with the vanilla planks and logs.
  • Rustic planks, slabs and logs can be compatible in recipes from other addons as long as the recipe asks for the tag “minecraft:planks” or "minecraft:wooden_slabs" or "minecraft:logs".
  • Rustic planks, logs, woods, doors, stairs, slabs, fences and trapdoors can be used as fuel in furnaces.
  • Rustic logs and woods can be used to produce charcoal in furnaces.
  • Now, when using the "pick block" button on a candle, chain or rope, it will give you the item.
  • Fixed content errors of the iron lattice selection box and collision box.
  • The iron lattice now use only one block instead of two.
  • Improved the interaction with the iron lattice.
  • The following blocks can be waterlogged now: iron lattice, chains, chandelier, doors, slabs. stairs, fences, fence gates, leaves, trapdoors, ...
  • Now the water will break the herbs, wildberry bush and candles.
  • The interaction system of the chains has been improved.
  • Adjusted the geometry, selection and collision box of the chandeliers.
  • Now the arrows can destroy ropes. Destroying a rope that has a chandelier attached to it will cause it to fall.
  • Now, if a chandelier has candles attached to it, when the chandeliers falls the candles will also fall.
  • Now you can place doors underwater.
  • The interaction system of the leaves has been improved.
  • The recipe for wooden stakes now gives 3 instead of 1.
  • Removed bushes for chili pepper, grapes and tomato.
  • Herbs used to use 2 blocks to function, now they only use 1. (This change affects the generation in previously created worlds)
  • Added new herb, Vanta Lily. (Generates in soul sand valleys)
  • Vanta Lily can be placed on pots.
  • Wildberry bush can be used as fuel in furnaces (can smelt 1 item).
  • Improved the interaction system of the flower pot with the herbs.
  • The creative inventory was organized with item groups
  • Stairs can now be connected
Changelog v1.4.2 (Old)

Rustic 1.21.50 Update:

  • Changes:
  • Now the blocks are broken at the correct speed with their appropriate tool.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented tomatoes and chili peppers from growing on vanilla farmland.
  • Fixed a bug with tomatoes being thrown towards an entity. It was constantly generating errors.
  • Added an interaction button with the almanac for mobile devices.
  • Grape seeds can now only be obtained by breaking vines. Tomato and chili pepper seeds are still obtained from short/tall grass.
  • The chances of obtaining seeds by breaking vines/grass were increased.
  • Fixed minor bugs


Rustic Agriculture



With the almanac you can find all the information you need about the features, blocks and items included in this addon.

The book is divided in 3 sections: Agriculture, Decoration and Production. Use the side strips of the book to alternate between sections.

If you want to know about something specific, look for it in the sections and click on what you want to consult.

If you are with keyboard and mouse, the button you are standing on will be shaded. If you are on a mobile device just tap.

Another page with 3 new sections will be displayed. Description and Additional: Will have information about the item, block or feature. (Additional tab will sometimes have no information).


If you want to go back to the main page, at the bottom of the page there is a small arrow that will show more clearly inside the game. (If the arrow is not visible I recommend you to scale down the interface in options). Or you can close the book and reopen it.



Some sections of the book will indicate that they are under development or not yet ready.


Olives are obtained from the leaves of the olive tree that grows in the world.


The book is automatically translated into the following languages:

English (US)

Español (ES)

Español (MX)

If you want to collaborate with the translation of the book in more languages you can go to my discord.

In the future this page will not have a detailed explanation of every feature of the addon. It may be that the current information is not the most up to date. Therefore, it is important to use the in-game almanac. Also the information on this page will be replaced with a wiki on github which is in process.

Credits of the Alamanc UI:

Thanks to Minato for sharing the server form template on the official Bedrock Add-ons discord server.



All information about the addon can be found on the official wiki.










Thanks to the creator Cadaverous Queen for giving me permission to recreate Rustic as an add-on

Official Rustic Page




Experimental Features:

Experimental features are no longer needed to use the addon. (Version 1.4.0+)

creator: Salas

Topic starter Posted : 09/09/2021 3:07 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 13/02/2025 6:34 pm