Sad-ist Vanilla v5.2 Techno Update Java/Bedrock
If you all know the infamous Sad-ist Dream SMP Animatics I'm pretty sure that you'll find this pack in your interests! in this pack i made the vanilla items and weapons in minecraft a little bit more like how their animatics show : D
(Also I'd appreciate if you don't steal my textures because I worked on these for so long, Thank you!)

I made sure to keep it accurate while keeping the vanilla minecraft look to it 🙂




You can now turn every helmet into Crowns if you wanted to! 😀 i made sure to keep the crown as accurate as possible while also making it detailed
Update 5.2:
Added Texture for Chainmail Armor!

This will Probably be the Last update for Sad-ist Vanilla, I hope you enjoy and have Fun! :DD
New Stuff:
- New Crown subpack for you kings!
- Retextured Disc 5
- New Chainmail Armor texture 😀
Click the links and it should take you to the pack 🙂
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Java Port by: @darealeggley on twitter (deffo follow this guy)