Safety Zone Add-On | Ver 1.0
Recently battle royals are very famous type of games such as PUBG, APEX, etc. These games need safety zone system to play in Minecraft. This add-on enable you to use safety zone freely! (Very smoothly move)
Hello, I'm NYANKUN.
The add-on we distribute this time is a Safety Zone Add-On.
This add-on is an reproduction of the safety zone (and contractions!) in Apex, PUBG, and other games.
Please use it for your maps!

How to Introduce
Instructional video:
Video of use: https: //
①Please turn on all the testing.
②After entering the world and placing the armor stand named "system", the preparation is finished.
③After that, you can use it by changing the score of the armor stand named "system".
How to Use
Score List
anti_type : 0 for no safety zone, 1 for spherical, 2 for cylindrical.
anti_x, anti_y, anti_z, anti_r: xyz coordinates and radius of the center of safety zone (input multiplied by 100)
anti_xn, anti_yn, anti_zn, anti_rn: xyz coordinates and radius of the next safety zone center (input multiplied by 100)
anti_time: Time it takes to move to the next safety zone, entered as 20 times the number of seconds (entering this value, move to the next safety zone).
anti_color_r, anti_color_g, anti_color_b, anti_color_a: Color 0~256 and transparency 0~256 (RGB A)
Tag List
anti_in: attached to the player at safety zone.
anti_out: attached to the player who is out of the morgue.
anti_start: Attached to the armor stand named "system" when the contraction starts.
anti_end: Attached to the armor stand named "system" when the contraction ends.
anti_menu: attached to the armor stand named "system", and when erased, stops the assignment to the score for confirmation (anti_menu).
anti_start: Function that is activated when the contraction starts.
anti_end: Function that is executed when the contraction is finished.
anti_main: A function that is always active.
Notes (must read)
Secondary distribution of this add-on by modification or incorporation into a world is permitted, but when distributing it, please include the name of the creator "NYANKUN" and a link to this site or video.
The basic "anti_nyankun.mcaddon" can be used for both cylindrical and spherical shapes, but it is heavy for some devices.
In that case, try "anti_tutu_nyankun.mcaddon", which can only be used for cylindrical shapes! I think it is much lighter.