Sapphire Expansion (Beta v9.1.7)
Im sure you Never wanted more hostile mobs in the game, but what if I told you there are very powerful items and tools in this addon that can aid you in the game and with fighting off the hostile mobs in this addon.
Always check at the bottom for all new update info it is in the Change log section at the bottom
Also all new craft recipes will be added at the bottom
This Addon Brings in quiet a few items, tools, ores, useful mobs and Hostile Mobs.
First in the List Of Useful Mobs Dyer Wolf
This massive creature deals a total of 4 Attack Damage by using a small fireball it shoots at its attacker. it will not target a player unless provoked by the player. It has a total of 75 health points It can be tammed {i sorta forgot by using what so ill let you figure that out, hint think how is a wolf tamed} yes you can breed 2 Dyer Wolves together to get a baby dyer wolf pup.
Effect Buff Weakness 30
The 2nd Useful Mob Fire Imp
[I Have slowed down its movement speed to .05} This devilish fella is a useful yet useless at the same time you can ride it but can not controll it. It is tamed with salmon or raw pork. it can be breed but is broken {known bug by me} It deals 4 attack damage with small fireball. It has a total of 95 Health Points
The 3rd Useful Mob
Brim Stone Cat
Can be tamed and bred like the normal village cat though this fella is a bit different in dealing 5 attack damage with a small fire ball {Its Size is updated to the vanilla village cats size}
has a total of 125 Health Points
Effect Buff Slowness 30
A Possible 4th useful Mob
Lost Soul
Could be considered useful if a player is able to subdue this monster and curing it like a zombie villager. {hint use a boat to catch } Day light will afflict this mob by burning it to death. It can deal a 4 attack damage to the player. It Has a total of 95 Health Points (p.s. use a enchanted sapphire apple to cure instead of a golden apple)
5th Useful Mob
Dead Trader Trades Are Working
The dead Trader is A useful Mob for trades. Has 65 Health Points. Deals 15 Damage USing evoker Magic an can summon 2 minion wraiths also causing Bad Omen Effect .
Dead Trader’s Trades
1 Sapphire Gem — 4 Black Stone
64 Sapphire Gems — 1 Netherite Axe
15 sapphire Gems — 3 Soul Lanterns
20 Sapphie Gems — 10 Cracked Nether Brick
1 Nether Wart Block — 9 Nether Warts
10 sapphire Gems — 4 Bone Blocks
20 Sapphire Gems — 5 Red Nether Brick
32 sapphire Gems — 4 Shulker Shells
64 Sapphire Gem Blocks — 1 Beacon
6th Useful Mob
Sapphire Golem Trades Are Working
The Sapphire Golem has 145 Health Points, It can deal 15 damage to players and or Mobs if provoked.
Has Effect Buff Causing Blindness for 30 secs( is possible to avoid death upon accidently hitting the Sapphire Golem you must Run Like Coward there is a high chance of not getting hit that 2nd final time [ take caution])
Sapphire Golem Trades
1 sapphire Gem — 1 Emerald
5 Sapphire Gems — 5 Diamonds
20 Diamonds — 1 Loadstone
20 Sapphire Gems — 9 Blackstone
15 Emeralds — 1 Compass
64 Sapphire Shards — 1 Totem Of Undying
20 Sapphire Shards — 1 Respawn Anchor
64 Sapphire Gems – 1 Sapphire Battle Axe
20 Sapphire Shards — 10 Glowstones
20 Sapphire Gems — 1 Anvil
64 Sapphire Gems — 1 Odin Staff
64 Sapphire Gems — 1 Sapphire Pick Axe
64 Sapphire Gems — 1 Loki Staff
30 Sapphire Gems — 4 Sapphire Apples
30 sapphire Gems — 4 Enchanted Sapphire Apples
8 Sapphire Shards — 1 Bow
15 Sapphire Shards — 32 Arrows
20 sapphire Shards — 1 Crossbow
40 Sapphire Gems — 1 Sapphire Armor
3 Sapphire Gem Blocks — 24 Hooper
64 Sapphire Gem Blocks — 1 Ancient Debris
10 Sapphire Gems — 1 Ender Chest
20 Sapphire Shards — 20 Scorched Logs
20 sapphire Shards – 32 Scorched Leaves
7th Useful Mob
Sir Micky
Sir Micky was once a well trained ESA before he departed this world to the next. So In Tribute I added him to aid you you in Sapphire Expansion. But he is a low spawn rate making him some what hard to find. He is a Border Collie he shoulnt be hard to miss!
May he help you as he helped me as my ESA. He is now our DSA (Defensive Support Animal)
He has 125 Health along with doing 10 damage plus Wither Effect damage as well. You can breed two tamed Sir Mickys’ with a Enchanted Sapphire Apple. Tame wild Sir Micky with Bone heal with cooked meats
The Hostile Mobs
Minion Wraith
Is a flying pain that is found in the nether an sometimes in the over world. It deals 4 attack damage to the player with a sword. It has 65 health points
Causes Mining Fatigue
Hell Spider
is mean nasty hellish spider that spawns in the Nether and in overworld deserts. It deals 3 attack damage with small fireballs with additional burn damage since you know you will catch on fire and all. It Has a total of 85 Health Points can cause Fatel Poison effect
can be tamed with the raw fish or salmon. breed with apple or carrot
Sapphire Treasure Slime
It now deals 7 Damage as intended by jumping up high then dive bombing the player or other mob it doesn’t like. It has a total of 125 Health Points. Has some rare drops
causes nasuea effect
Three Headed Goon {Sub Boss}
This crazy guy can randomly teleport hop around in a playful manor but I repeat do not attempt to tame it!!! Why you ask? 5 attack damage including Fatel Poison damage. It has a Total of 150 Health Points. Forewarning when finding one or bringing one to the overworld, if it is struck by lightening it will transform into the Wither.[at that point you are fighting the boss Mojang Studios Created haha] Is Now summoned using a Summon key
Hell Keeper {Sub Boss}
This mean gate keeper of hell dealing a whooping 7 attack damage with the use of ender pear that it will toss at the player in attempt to destroying the player in one fell swoop. It has a total of 125 Health Points Has ben Resized to be bigger but not to big Is Now summoned using a Summon key
Lava Guardian {Sub Boss}
This crazy creature is related to the water temples Elder Guardian. the main difference is this Lava Guardian only can live in lave or on land it will spawn Near Lava Sources in the nether or over world. It deals a total of 5 attack damage with a large fireball not including explosion damage an fire damage dealt to the player {not included does not mean those damage attributes dont affect the player they still affact the player} It has a total of 160 Health Points Is Now summoned using a Summon key
Wraith {Boss}
Is the main boss of my addon, dealing a total of 8 attack damage ontop of causing wither effect to the player. This boss can fly about. it mainly spawns in the nether. it has a Total of 250 Health Points Is Now summoned using a Summon key Has been Resized.
Sapphire Blaze Frost
This crazy blue cousin to the blaze is found in ice spike biomes froozen ocean biomes and Snowy Tiagas. It can deal a total of 5 attack damage along with hitting the player with snow balls. it has a total of 65 Health Points. Can Cause Minning Fatigue
Custom Mob Loot Drops are working
All Mobs have loot drops I will let you players discover those, All Mobs in my addon Drop Xp orbs as well [a know bug is the mobs cant always drop the correct amount of xp orbs when killed they drop about 1 xp to 5 xp Im still figuring out how to correct that]
Sapphire Items Tools and Ores Crafting and Info
Sapphire Apple
Is crafted as shown
It has Negative and Positive affects that last for a short amount of time each [it may seem slow to eat but don’t worry that is a bug from the game its self with food items in addons. When eating it wait till the eating animation is done and you hear the player make the burp sound] This item works best when eaten while wearing the sapphire armor.
Effect Buffs
Slow falling
Enchanted Sapphire Apple
IS crafted as Shown
This enchanted apple only has positive affects [it may seem slow to eat but don’t worry that is a bug from the game its self with food items in addons. When eating it wait till the eating animation is done and you hear the player make the burp sound] This Enchanted Apple works best with the Sapphire Armor
Effect Buffs
Night Vision
Sapphire Armor
Is Crafted As Shown
This Item requires
1 enchanted Sapphire apple
4 sapphire gems
2 sapphire shards.
Effects Last 15Mins each
Speed 3
Jump 3
Resistance 3
Fire Resistance 2
Water Breathing 2
Night Vision 2
Village Hero
{known bug is when wearing a normal helmet, the player can delete that helmet when trying to right click with the sapphire armor in their hand, SO BE SURE TO REMOVE THE NORMAL HELMET EVEN IF ITS ENCHANTED BEFORE PUTTING THE SAPPHIRE ARMOR ON] has 6000 durability It also gives the player 3 extra hearts.
Odin’s Staff
Is Crafted As Shown
is crafted with
1 Enchanted Apple
2 Sapphire gems
2 sapphire shards
1 sapphire gem block
1 scorched stick
2 iron ingots
This Weapon can destroy just about any build block there is by letting the player run through the blocks making one seem like a super hero.
It deals 20 Attack damage
has 4269 durability
gives the player 5 extra hearts
Each Effect last 5mins
Speed 3 Strength 3 Resistance 3 Water Breathing 3 Jump 3 Regeneration 3 Fire Resistance 3 NightVision 2 All effects are null when equiped while wearing the sapphire armor.
Loki’s Staff
Is Crafted A Shown
Crafting requires
2 sapphire shards
1 Enchanted sapphire apple
2 sapphire gems
1 emerald block
1 scorched stick
2 iron ingots
Has a durability of 4269
Deals a total of 15 Damage
Gives the player 3 extra hearts
Effects last 5 mins Levitation 2 only last 5 to 10 seconds Speed 3 Jump 3 Regeneration 2 Fire Resistance 3 Water Breathing 2 Invisibility 2 Night Vision 2 All effects are null when equiped while wearing the sapphire armor.
Sapphire Battle Axe
Is Crafted As Shown
Is crafted with
2 sapphire shards
1 enchanted sapphire apple
2 sapphire gem blocks
1 scorched stick
1 iron ingot. Has a Durability of 4269
Deals a total of 17 Damage
Gives the Player 3 extra hearts
Each Effect lat 5 mins Jump 3 Regeneration 3 Fire Resistance 2 Night Vision 2 The Effects are Null when equiped while wearing the Sapphire Armor.
Sapphire Scythe
Is Crafted As Shown
Crafting Requires
2 Sapphire Gems
1 Enchanted Sapphire Apple
1 Sapphire Shard
1 scorched stick
1 Iron Ingot. Has Durability of 4269
Deals a total of 16 Damage
Gives the player 3 Extra Hearts
The Effects last 5mins Regeneration 2 Resistance 3 Water Breathing 2 Night Vision 2 Jump Boost All Effects are Null when equiped while wearing the Sapphire Armor. player move speed increased by .1 or .2
Sapphire Ores and the Nether Sapphire Ores
Look like as shown
Sapphre Ore on Left an Nether Sapphire Ore on Right.
Sapphire Ore will spawn with the Basalt Flats at sea floor level
Each ore does not naturally spawn due to a known bug in the 1.16 nether Update by Mojang Studios. This bug also prevents custom blocks from showing in the crafting menu period.
So in a work around that bug I made a certain mob I made drop both those ores.
The Sapphire Ore
can be smelted in the Blast furnace and normal Furnace giving 1 sapphire gem each ore block.
The nether sapphire ore drops the sapphire shard. this nether sapphire ore CAN NOT BE SMELTED DOWN AT ALL[it is not a bug, I made it this way]
It takes 9 sapphires shards to make a sapphire gem
It takes 9 sapphire gems to make A sapphire gem block
The ores an gem block have light level. the gem block has friction also slowing down mobs an players.
1 Sapphire Gem in a Stone Cutter Gives 9 Sapphire Shards.
Stone Cutter is used to get 9 sapphire gems back back from 1 sapphire gem block
1 Scorched log in 3×3 craft table gives 4 scorched planks. 1 Scorched log in Stone Cutter gives 8 Scorched Planks
Scorched Trees Shown Above
Scorched Leaves have 4 drops
scorched stick
scorched leaves and
sapphire apple
Scorched Logs now drop Charcoal and or its own self
Basalt Flats shown below
2 Scorched Planks in a 3×3 or 2×2 craft grid will grant the player 2 scorched sticks it is better to use a stonecutter
Chiseled Sapphire Gem Block
Sapphire Encrusted Chiseled Columns
(yes I see my spelling error in the picture illf ix lt later)
Sapphire Encrusted Columns
Obsidian Grinder
Grinder Bowl
Obsidian Gem Grinder
Sapphire Dust
Sapphire Gold Ingot
Sapphire Gold Sword
Does no effects to help player except for increase player base speed by .1 and players base health.
(I might lessen the effects each weapon has)
Yes all items show in the craft menu blocks how ever do not yet
The 3 New Blocks
Sapphire Gold Block
Sapphire Gilded Blackstone ( is a new ore type)
Sapphire Chiseled Polished Blackstone
Ill update Function commands list soon in Next update
to get all the items in creative or survival us the /function command
/function ldp_items_ores
/function ldp_build_items
/function ldp_useful_mobs
/function ldp_mobs_hostile
/function ldp_gear
I had help in making this addon with the App called Add-On Maker for Minecraft. the app can be found on google play.
You do have permission to showcase my addon But give me credit in the video please and thank you. yes you can use this addon with your friends in your realm, worlds, or servers.
if needing help contact me on my Discord
or contact me on my twitter
Suggestions are welcomed Even collabing on this addon with me is welcomed. Do not use any other links besides this websites link to the addon or links i say is ok. YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO POST THIS ADDON ON OTHER SITES OR ADD ON APPS
ADD-On Made BY LucienDeath
Watch tutorial video to learn about the addon
tutorial video will be updated
- 3 New Blocks. [Sapphire Gold Block, Sapphire Gilded Blackstone, Sapphire Chiseled Polished Blackstone.]
- A Handful of my mobs got some new sounds. Sir Micky , Hell Spider , Wraith , Dyer Wolf , Minion Wraith , Lost Soul , Hell Keeper , Dead Trader , Sapphire Golem.
- Some New Craft Recipes for the New Blocks
- Redid the Sapphire Nether Ore Texture
- Loot drops have been updated for the Sapphire Treasure Slime
- Hell Spider can now be riden after tamed also can be controlled but it likes climbing walls if your not careful it does not snap to player like other pets do.
- More Updates Coming Soon! Possibly a Skin pack of Some of my Skins I use and Have used.
- Almost forgot I updated the Sapphire Gold Ingot.
Step 1
- Do Not Open any existing world that has the Add-On Sapphire Expansion Or Sapphire Ores Items Tools and More
- Instead Delete the resource and behaviour packs from the world then also delete the World Resource history json file along with the World Behaviour history json file
Step 2
- If Downloading the Zip File I assume you know how to extract the add-on file an such but if having issues tell me Ill do my best to resolve the issue.
- Tell me If the .mcpack file version of the .zip works for quick install