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MCPE/Bedrock Science Zero [ver 1.0]

Illustrious Member Admin

Science Zero [ver 1.0]

Science zero is an addon that add many new recipes and items that are related to chemistry into the game. In this version I have added a new way to make gunpowder.


To make gunpowder, there are totally 4 steps. The first 2 steps are quite simple, but going to step 3 is more complicated because it takes a long process to make potassium nitrate.

Step 1: you have to mine for sulfur, sulfur ore now spawn in swamp, you can go to the swamp biome to get some. Then make a hammer and break them into powder.

Step 2:you get charcoal by cooking a wood in a furnace or you can get normal coal via mining.

step 3; In this step I will split it to a 5 small step.

     Step3.1: you first craft an empty bottle by putting glass in U shape in the crafting table, then put those empty bottle in the crafting slot to take your urine.

     Step3.2: combine urine with water to produce amoniac, then burn the amoniac to get nitrogen oxide and place it in the crafting slot to get nitrogen dioxide

     Step3.3: mix the nitrogen dioxide with water to create acid nitric

     Step3.4: go into the cave and mine for sylvite, make a hammer and break it into powder

     Step3.5: put sylvite powder and acid nitric together to make potassium nitrate

step 4: now to craft gunpowder, put in the crafting table

     6 potassium nitrate

     2 charcoal/coal

     1 sulfur powder

WARNING: note that some recipes in this addon may not completely correct 100%, and MOST OF THE RECIPES ARE TRUE, DO NOT DO THIS AT HOME.

I will continue to update this in the future.



For android user, you should change the .mcaddon to .zip



Topic starter Posted : 25/11/2019 3:48 pm