SCP: JS Edition v2
Did you think the SCP Foundation could never be in Minecraft Bedrock Edition? Well you’re wrong! This add-on adds 40 SCPs, 2 Bosses, MTF Units, 3D guns and many more cool SCP related features!
SCP: JS Edition v2 Info
This add-on has reached it’s final update. I will release a small update shortly, adding the “all features world” link and video which explains everything within SCP: JS Edition v2
I am moving on to other projects and a collaboration with Bendy the Demon18 soon
You MUST delete the old versions from Minecraft AND in your world files for the update to work
Go to Minecraft in-game settings > storage > delete both resource and behavior packs
Go to your device’s file manager, go to games > com.mojang > minecraftWorlds > Find the world(s) with the old version and delete the old version from “resource_packs” & “behavior_packs”
Survival Mode Objectives
You can find SCP Essence Ore at below y=16, mine it to get SCP Essence or Anomalous Fragments.
You need anomalous fragments and severed hands (from killing people’s corpses) to make a Serpent’s Hand Boss Spawn Egg. Defeat him to make him your ally, you will be awarded with the Serpent’s Hand Anomalous Generator (SHAG)
With the SHAG, you can trade SCP Essences for SCP Spawn Eggs or Anomalous Fragments for powerful armour/weapons. You can now get the SCP-4335 spawn egg. Defeat him for a lot of anomalous fragments and SCP Essences!
Add-On Help
Here are some links for your reference before you spam my McBedrock, discord, twitter, and youtube comments!
Special Thanks
I would like to thank the following people for their massive contribution to this add-on!
Serpent’s Hand Boss Battle Music & Some voice-lines by DGCrafter
A lot of voice-lines from Pixest
Some help with code & Assets from Bendy the Demon18
Adapted XM Guns Code from distant_XM
Adapted facility natural spawning code from Dakonblackrose
Credits & Licensing
Everything contained within this add-on is based on the SCP Foundation and copyrighted under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 (CC BY-SA 3.0) license:
SCP Foundation site:
Therefore, this add-on is also released under the same license.
If you used any of my content (maps, add-ons, etc.), you must credit me. Show us creators some respect please. You can credit me by either linking to my McBedrock add-on link, by linking to my YouTube
channel, or both:
Full credits can be found in the “How to Play” menu in-game
Optional Features
- SCP-106 Pocket Dimension: (Default OFF)
Turn off using /function pdoff
Turn on using /function pdon
- SCP-303-JS Spawning (Default OFF)
Turn off using /function scp303jsoff
Turn on using /function scp303json
- SCP Grief (SCP-610, …, Default ON)
Turn off using /function scpgreifoff
Turn on using /function scpgriefon

Here are some quotes/short descriptions from SCPs in this add-on
SCP-001: Gate Guardian: Annihilates everything within a 6 block radius
SCP-035 & Tentacle: Slowly killing myself is very smart
SCP-049-JS: I am the cure
SCP-079: Randomly opens doors within 256 blocks, turn off by summoning it like this:
/summon scp:scp079 ~~~ minecraft:cannot_open_door
SCP-096-JS: “The Frost Guy”
SCP-106: Laughter
SCP-106-JS: “The cold man”
Special Ability: Slows nearby entities when spawned
SCP-173-JS: Snappy necky, 4 arms = twice the snappiness!
SCP-280: NO, NOT LIGHT, bfjaahhaaixhebhaah
SCP-294: “I love glitching through walls in facilities”
SCP-303-JS: Paralysed with fear
SCP-330: Aight imma take more than 3
SCP-610: Squksiwlalsjsiajajdhsaii AHHHHHHH
SCP-650: Startled to death
SCP-682 -JS: I’m even cooler than the other JS SCPs, don’t listen to them
SCP-076: YES I’LL MURDER YOU AL-turns into coffin
SCP-914: You can’t refine dbois with it, unfortunately
SCP-1074: Why am I in this painting? Why am I in this painting? I’m on my kne-SHUT UP
SCP-1507: Oh look, how cute AHHHHH
SCP-2950: Literally just chair, it’s harmless!
SCP-3000: What was I doing?
SCP-3057-2: I love the Cambrian creatures
SCP-3057-4: A DINOSAUR ADD-ON!??!?!?!??
SCP-4335 (Boss): Break me out of this prison, children, hasten the cycle, further
SCP-UA365: “Time is already running out”
Other SCPs/Features:
SCP-113, SCP-207, SCP-409, SCP-420-JS, SCP-427, SCP-714, SCP-1025
There are also a lot of custom items added to the game. Guns are an example. You can trade for ammo and it is used in crafting to reload guns. There are 3D models for the P-90 and AWM. For these 2 guns, you can hold a firework in your offhand, press & hold/right click & hold to reload your gun. Crafting works too
It is recommended to fight the bosses with full diamond gear and golden apples. Guns give a huge advantage. The difficulty levels stated here are for survival mode, no enchanted golden apples and no enchanted tools.
Both boss battles have EPIC music
Serpent’s Hand Boss (SHB):
Difficulty: Hard
2 stages, 1st stage spam spray attack & earth spike attack, 2nd stage melee attack & earth spike attack.
After defeating the SHB, it will kneel before you and become your Ally. You will be granted the Serpent’s Hand Anomalous Generator (SHAG) where you can trade SCP Essence (from SCP Essence Ore) for their respective spawn eggs
5 Stages, immune to damage when shields are up. Throw any item near it to make it grow. This takes 10-15 seconds, during this time you are able to do damage to SCP-4335.
SCP-4335 does not directly attack you until Stage 5, but in all stages it summons 2 endermen every 18 seconds.
At Stage 5, SCP-4335 no longer has a shield. Instead it drops down to act as a spike barrier, dealing damage to nearby enemies (making it hard for you to melee attack it)
Defeating SCP-4335 drops a lot of anomalous fragments and enough of 1 type ofSCP Essence to spawn at least 1 of said SCP.
There are a lot of SCP Foundation related personnel, explore what you can do with them! Each have their own unique behaviors and animations!
You can run any of these functions to join different groups of people:
/function join_mtf
/function join_classd
/function join_chaos
Leave all teams by typing /function leave_all
There are many different machines in this add-on, doors, signs, computers, etc. You can play around with them or use them to build cool facilities!
Here is a tutorial on how to use doors and rotate stuff (For Doors, Keycard Doors, Computers, Cameras)
– They can be crafted
– Hold the item to place the machine (Survival)
– Use the spawn egg like how you use spawn eggs (Creative)
– You can interact (right click / press and hold) with the bottom of the door to open / close it.
– Hold the rotator item and interact (right click / press and hold) with the bottom of the door to rotate it
– Hold the destroyer item AND sneak/crouch AND interact (right click / press and hold) with the bottom of the door to destroy it
– Hold the builder item and interact (right click / press and hold) with the bottom of the door to change the level clearance of a keycard door. The different colours on the buttons represent each level. (1 – 5) – You can also punch buttons to open/close doors. – You can spawn in a button 2 blocks within the shadow (or bottom half) of a door / blast door. Punch the button to open / close the door.
vel. (1 – 5)
– You can also punch buttons to open/close doors.
– You can spawn in a button 2 blocks within the shadow (or bottom half) of a door / blast door. Punch the button to open / close the door.
There are a ton of new custom SCP related blocks and many SCP labels for you to build amazing facilities with!
You can also explore naturally spawning SCP Facilities. Break SCP Facility blocks to spawn them in. However their doors are not 100% functional due to Minecraft limitations. But don’t worry, doors that you place down will work fine.
If you’ve read everything until here, thanks! I really appreciate it. Thank you all for your support throughout this add-on’s development. Without you guys I wouldn’t have made it here.
I know that majority of you don’t really care about me, but only care about my add-on / map releases. I hope you guys appreciate all the effort I put into
everything I make.
I will be posting a small update, with bug fixes and adding the All Features Showcase World download link, along with a video tutorial
See you in my next projects!
Have fun with the update…
Darkus Scizzus
SCP: JS Edition v2: The "Cold" Update
This update is just too cool man
- Massive Optimization Improvements
- Add-On only lags if there are way too many entities. There is also a built-in lag clear only for bullets.
- Add-On only crashes if 2 buttons are trying to open/close a door at the same time, or just Minecraft bugs itself
Updated SCPs:
- SCP-106
- SCP-096-JS
- SCP-939-JS
- SCP-173-JS
- SCP-049-JS
- SCP-1507
- SCP-457
- SCP-3000
- SCP-001: Gate Guardian
- SCP-650
- SCP-280
- SCP-610
- SCP-076
Added SCPs:
- SCP-UA365
- SCP-106-JS
- SCP-303-JS
- SCP-2950
- SCP-553
- SCP-682
- SCP-682-JS
- SCP-4335 (with epic battle music)
- SCP-066-JS
- SCP-3057-2
- SCP-3057-4
- Updated a lot of models and animations
- Updated War Head
- Added Bendy the Demon18's HID Turret
- Added Serpent's Hand Boss
- Added Cool Custom music for Serpent's Hand Boss Battle by DGCrafter
- Added Serpent's Hand Anomalous Generator (SHAG)
- Added SCP Essences for all spawnable SCPs (trade for SCP spawn eggs with SHAG)
- Added SCP Essence Ore (used to get SCP Essences/Anomalous Fragment to summon Serpent's Hand Boss)
- Added MTF Unit JS-13: Julius Scizzor
- Added MTF Unit Nu-7: Hammer Down
- Updated all MTF Units
- Added Commander Stick
- Added Chaos Insurgency
- Added Female Class D and Scientists
- Added Tesla Gate
- Updated all guns
- Added P-90, AWM, AK-47, Flamethrower, Micro HID
- Added 3rd Person 3D Model, Animations & Reload Mechanic for P-90 and AWM
(hold fireworks in off-hand and right click/press & hold screen and HOLD)
- Join teams now using /function join_classd, join_mtf or join_chaos
- Added human gun picking up from dead bodies (thx to Bendy's code)
- Major door updates, the best door add-on in the world I hope
- Added Facility Lockdown Activator
- SCP & Weapon balances
- Added new blocks
- Added new labels
- Added Facility Light
- Bug fixes
- Removed toggleable particles and griefing
- Removed SCP-106 natural spawning
And much more...
You can refer to the following links as well:
> iOS
1) Go to files app, navigate to downloads. You should see the name of the pack there.
2) Copy this file over to Documents by Readdle app
3) Rename the .mcaddon to .zip. Press use .zip
4) Rename it back to .mcaddon Press use .mcaddon
5) Now open it, press more and press copy to minecraft. It should work now
If it doesn't work, try extracting all the zip files directly into Minecraft. The folder location is:
games > com.mojang > resource_packs / behavior_packs