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MCPE/Bedrock SCP Vehicles Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

SCP Vehicles Addon

This addon is ambiented in the SCP Foundation universe, but you can use the vehicles as standard military vessels. It is meant to be used along side other SCP addons. If you are building an SCP facility or a military base this addon is perfect for you.

This addon includes four different Foundation vehicles, two of them being attack crafts and the other two cargo/transport vehicles.


  • This addon is compatible with Julius Scizzor‘s SCP: JS Edition addon, and the See No Evil and other MTF unit members from that addon should be able to mount the vehicles.
  • Julius helped me out with the behaviors and he left me use his bullet model, behavior and texture.
  • The sounds in this addon are from SCP – Containment Breach and SCP – Containment Breach Ultimate Edition.
  • All the vehicles models and animations were made by me.


Attack Helicopter: It attacks hostile mobs, it can be mounted by two players/MTF and it has 5 inventory slots. It has an automatic variation that doesn’t need to be controlled.

Cargo Helicopter: It can be mounted by 6 players/MTF and it has 27 inventory slots.

Tactical Cargo Truck: It can be mounted by 10 players/MTF and it has 27 inventory slots.


Just open the archive, if it does not open copy it to the com.mojang folder and open it there. Minecraft will open and import the behavior and resources.   

IMPORTANT: Every time you download a new version of the addon you do this before installing it:    

First go to games, com.mojang, resource_packs and delete the resources for the addon.    

Next go to games, com.mojang, behavior_packs and delete the behaviors for the addon.    

Then go to games, com.mojang, minecraftWorlds, the folder of your world and then you delete the folders behavior_packs and resource_packs.    

Finally you reinstall the new version.



Topic starter Posted : 02/12/2019 12:28 pm