Seedy Start
Seedy start is one of the first few addons that features plants, and I decided the best way to do that would be to make a series of plants that are harvestable like berry bushes, but are planted with seeds and need water and farmland to grow, they will grow resources making it easier to obtain things later game.

If you find any bugs you think I may not be aware of, you can contact me in the comments or by sending me a message in DMs over Discord, my username is Lumity#0431. If you find any other bugs, report them here and I will be happy to try and fix them. There are no current seed textures because, well I'm lazy but they will be added later on with lots more things, this is a beta for a reason. At the moment, only a few of these seeds are obtainable in survival mode since not all the recipes are done, this will also be finished.

The netherite plant drops between 0 and 1 ancient debris or 0 and 1 netherite seeds, unlike other plants, it only has 1 roll.

The coal plant drops between 3 and 9 coal and between 0 and 2 seeds, with 2 rolls, meaning it could end up at 18 coal or 4 seeds occasionally.

The cobblestone plant drops between 2 and 7 cobblestone or 0 and 2 seeds, with 2 rolls, meaning it could end up at 14 cobblestone or 4 seeds occasionally.

The diamond plant drops between 0 and 2 or 0 and 2 seeds, with 2 rolls, meaning it could end up at 4 diamonds or 4 seeds occasionally.

The dirt plant drops between 3 and 8 dirt or 0 and 2 seeds, with 2 rolls, meaning it could end up at 16 dirt or 4 seeds occasionally.

The emerald plant drops between 0 and 3 emeralds or 0 and 2 seeds, with 2 rolls, meaning it could end up at 6 emeralds or 4 seeds occasionally.

The gold plant drops between 1 and 4 gold ore or 0 and 2 seeds, with 2 rolls, meaning it could end up at 8 gold or 4 seeds occasionally.

The iron plant drops between 2 and 7 iron ore or 0 and 2 seeds, with 2 rolls, meaning it could end up at 14 iron or 4 seeds occasionally.

The lapis plant drops between 3 and 8 lapis lazuli or 0 and 2 seeds, with 2 rolls, meaning it could end up at 16 lapis or 4 seeds occasionally.

The oak plant drops between 2 and 7 oak logs or 0 and 2 seeds, with 2 rolls, meaning it could end up at 14 oak or 4 seeds occasionally.

The redstone plant drops between 3 and 8 redstone dust or 0 and 2 seeds, with 2 rolls, meaning it could end up at 16 redstone or 4 seeds occasionally.
- Added all recipes. No guides posted for them as pictures because I'm working on school.
- Out of beta because the recipes are done
- Recipes now in crafting table menu
You may:
- Make a video on it.
- Use it in a modpack so long as you give credits using only this page link.
creator: Azryth