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MCPE/Bedrock Shark Biology: The Classics Update

Illustrious Member Admin

Shark Biology: The Classics Update


Recently, I have been seeing a lack of accurate shark addons for Minecraft. so I decided to do sharks some justice, and make an accurate addon for them. Each shark has different behaviours, social lives, and habitats., and I hope I have achieved this in Shark Biology.


There are currently sharks in the project. Allow me to give them a quick introduction.

A popular favourite among pop-culture, Movies, Games, TV, and our imaginations, the Great white shark is the apex predator of temperate and cold oceans across the globe. It is presumed to have the strongest bite of any animal alive, and can grow up to 6 blocks long. 
Neutral Towards Player
24 HP
??? attack damage
6 blocks long
Drops: Surprise!

Found in tropical reefs and sand beds, the Blacktip reef shark is another favourite, as it is often displayed in public aquaria, and sometimes in private collections as well, and tourists often see these sharks, as they are abundant near popular tourist attractions. Nobody Knows what the black bits on their fins are for, but it’s assumed it’s to attract mates.
Passive Towards Player
20 HP
??? attack damage
3 blocks long
drops: ???

A small, cute looking, common shark, found across Europe and the UK. It may surprise you to see a shark that looks like a catfish, but that’s because many people hear more about large sharks in media and news. It is very inactive, and lays on the seabed, waiting for night. it is also ideal to keep in your Minecraft house, if you can build a large enough tank for it.
Passive Towards Player
10 HP
No attack damage
1.5 blocks long
drops ???


A tropical shark, this shark will feast on anything that comes by (apart from players, unless you hit them). it is very large, strong, and can knock you out in a single blow. Believe it or not, the best place to see them is in the Bahamas!
Neutral Towards Player
20 HP
??? attack damage
5 blocks long
drops leather and beef.

This shark has a tail lobe that’s longer than the rest of it! The thresher shark uses it to stun shoals of fish, and then using its small mouth to gobble them up. It is globally, from the UK to the tropics, and feasts on small fishes.
Neutral Towards Player
20 HP
??? attack damage
drops ???


That’s all the sharks currently in-game.
I hope that you enjoy playing the addon, and if you have any questions or suggestions (no, no megalodon) put it in the comments, or DM me via Discord at Diddy Konk#4181.

CREDITS: (Discord usernames)
Diddy Konk#4181 (me): models, textures, animations.
🍗Scratchy🦃 #0731: coding.

creator: Diddy Konk



Topic starter Posted : 15/11/2020 10:54 pm