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MCPE/Bedrock Shop Function Pack

Illustrious Member Admin

Shop Function Pack (Update)

Shop function pack: it’s a shop where you can buy packs or kits and other items. For now this pack contains only 2 possible purchases, but soon I’m going to add way more possible purchases. Plus your suggestions for purchases may come true!

So in this pack you will need experimental gameplay option on and basically that’s it!

So to use this function just tipe in /function Prices this command will show you all purchases and details about them:


Let’s say you want to buy some food but you don’t have needed xp as a resul nothing will happen.

Let’s get needed 3 xp and try it again:

Because i had 4 xp and bought some food for 3 xp now I have only 1 xp left.

Builders pack work in the same way. Let’s say I have 21xp and I want to buy it (costs:20xp):

It worked!

What’s new?

Items now have there own categories: Food, Kits, Pets and Help.

Just tipe /function Help/HowToUse and it will show all possible functions!

Type in /function Help/Prices and it will show you all prices of different items!


Added farm animals to buy: Pigs, Cows, Sheeps and Chickens.

Added 2 new kits to buy: 1 Shulker box and 5 shulker boxes.


Installation is very simple: download this addon and then tap on it! Enjoy!



Supported Minecraft versions

1.12 - 1.13

Topic starter Posted : 23/08/2019 10:36 am