Simple Anti Grief
Are you annoyed by griefers? Me too, Well this anti grief is one of the first advanced anti griefs out there It stops Almost all griefers. This anti grief is for Worlds/Realms And is mainly meant for Creative But it can be used in survival. And best of all Its Free!
Anti TNT
The anti grief stops all TNT from going off
Anti Crystal
It's impossible to use End Crystals when this anti grief is enabled
Anti Ender-Dragon
Ender Dragons are instantly removed from the game on spawn
Anti Wither
If a player attempts to spawn a Wither it dies, Stoping any destruction from the Mob
Anti Fire
if a player attempts to get a Fire Charge or Flint and Steel it will remove it from their inventory
Anti Respawn-Anchor
if a player attempts to get a Respawn Anchor it will remove it from their inventory instantly
Movement Ban
when a player attempts to use any of the items above it will put them in survival, ban them from moving, send a message in chat saying they Attemped to use the item

- Fixed Linkvertise link from "************" to ""
- Fixed a problem with the mcpack download
Install SAGv1.mcpack
Open Minecraft
Run SAGv1.mcpack
Click on settings of the world/realm you want to use it on (Make sure Cheats and Experimental Mode is on)

Enable the pack on the world you want to use
Load into the world/realm
type "/give @s Structure_Block 1"
Then place the block where you want the command blocks to be
then click on the box and select load and type "SAGv1" in the box then click load at the bottom of the UI
creator: Zastixx