Simple Penguins v1.0
If a fancy suited flightless bird is something you feel you're Minecraft world is lacking, then scroll no more this add-on just may be what you have been looking for.
debuting the release of this add-on are the
Emperor penguins
The emperor penguin waddles around the snowy tundra and iceberg biomes they spawn in groups of 3-7. these penguins swim about and are very curious as they investigate almost anything that comes to their line on sight. emperor penguins take interest in the player when raw cod is held and can be bred to have baby emperor penguins.
Baby Emperor Penguins
These little birds follow their parents where ever they go, but are quite slow and vulnerable as they can't swim for their waterproof coats haven't grown yet. These chicks can be fed raw cod to speed up the aging process which they scale up in size making them more of a valid excuse to their existence.