Simple Vehicles Addon Version 3.6.0 - The Script and Quality of Life Update (Add 7 New Vehicles and 100+ Items Survival Friendly)
This add-on add up to 120 vehicles in Minecraft and this is my biggest add-on that I ever made it for you and to everyone who love vehicles add-on and this could be suitable to City maps and role play maps
I made this add-on since March 2019 and I do an upload online but I'm not good enough to make add-ons here before then now I have an good potential in making mods so I continue to working in this mod and I did it
And did you know that I like making Vehicles too that can be found in local or not but some models are made by me anyway and this addon is now for over 4 years and it's still working on new updates
- This is the only addon that's has over 100+ Vehicles to try
- This addon has lots of items that are craftable in survival
- This addon was compatible in servers and it can be playable with friends or by yourself
- Most of the vehicles are based in real life and other vehicles are based from my ideas
- This vehicle addon has more features to come
- It cares the community and even the ideas from you we will love it
- This addon is showcased by many people on YouTube and Other Social Media platforms
And I'm gonna try to rewrite some stuff here especially the mechanics were been improved and added some new stuff and more
New Update Here Watch Here:
This addon adds:
- 100+ Vehicles
- 200+ Items to be crafted
- Add Gas Pumps both block and entity version
- Add Traders to trade or buy some stuff
- Multiplayer Friendly
Vehicle Lists:
- Hafei Zhongyi
- Tricycle Cargo
- Opel Corsa
- AUV Car
- AUV Car (Expanded Container)
- 4X4 Off-road Truck
- Cargo Truck V2
- Opel Astra
- Speedboat (Big)
- Train Locomotive
- Double deck bus
- Van V2
- Scooter
- Motorcycle
- Car
- Hyundai Starex (No Casket)
- Hyundai Starex (With Casket)
- Motorbike
- Container Van
- Volt bike
- Pickup Truck
- Jeep Wrangler
- Volkswagen Beetle
- Modern Jeep
- Limousine
- Ice Cream Truck
- Honda Accord 2019
- Cadillac DTS 2010
- Van v1
- Bike
- Truck
- Mitsubishi Pajero
- Tractor
- Isuzu Travis
- Lowrider V2
- Cybertruck
- Taxi
- Speedboat V1
- Snow Mobile
- Bulldozer
- Police Truck
- Plane
- Classic Jeep
- OB Van
- Jet ski
- Ford Mustang
- Minibus
- Lowrider V1
- Shuttle Bus
- Helicopter
- Tricycle Container
- Fire Truck
- Bus
- EV4
- Hoverboard
- Car
- Christmas Sled
- Ambulance
- Toyota AE86
- Shenhao Q5
- Quad Bike
- Toyota Corolla
- TukTuk
- Scooter
- Isuzu Erga 2017
- Cargo Truck V1 Locomotive and Container
- Multicab
- Bajaj RE
- Tamarraw FX
- Golf Cart
- Golf Cart (Street Legal)
- Pedicabs
- Rocket Viking
- Pickup Truck Flash Express Edition
- Roller Truck
- Mixer Truck
- Dump Truck
- Bridge Builder Machine
- Asphalt Paving Truck
- Train Cart
- Go Karts
- Mitsubishi Aero Mini
- Go Kart V2
- Go Kart with numbers
- Vespa Primavera
- Tentmushi
- Century Luxury
- Mitsubishi Montero
- Minicar
- Isuzu DMAX
- Ford Rancher GT SASS
- Tricycle
- Submarine
- School Bus
- Sabre
- Rancher
- Land Cruiser
- Jetmax
- Snowmobile
- Grumman LLV
- Armored Truck
- Lightermax - It has 3 variants black, white and gray
- Dragster - has 16 variants and it has slow speed
- Monster Truck - it is the big sized truck but it also has 16 variants to try
- Rally Car 2.0
- F1 Car - same as the other vehicles but it has moderate speed
- Tractor Small
- Mower - Requires Grass Remover to make it functonal
- Seeder - Requires Seed Packs:
- Wheat Seed Pack
- Beetroot Seed Pack
- Farm Truck
- Plow - Requires Wooden, Iron, Stone, Gold, Diamond, Netherite Hoe to make a farmland/farm plot to plant with
- Sprinkler - Requires Water Bucket to water the farmland/farm plot
- Biplane
- Monoplane
- Blimp
- Gliding Plane
- Hot air Balloon
- Gyroplane
- Tiltrotor
- Private Plane
- Seaplane
- Vintage Van
- Vintage Bus
- Chrysler Windsor
- Mitsubishi Minivan (Classic and Truck-type)
- Gas Pump – Useful to get gas nozzle and fuel it to a vehicle
- Gas Pump but for aerial vehicles – it’s in color green but it was for aerial vehicles such as helicopter, private plane and more.
- Vehicle Workbench – Useful for crafting vehicles as well as the parts of it
- Vehicle Sellers
- Key Seller
- Seedpack Sellers
- Gas Seller

Here are some item parts work well
- There are over 100+ Body Parts
- Over 50+ steers, tires and more parts to craft with
- Sprays are also included
- Seed packs were added
There is crafting stuff that you can try and all you had to do to create this items was to set your gameplay in survival mode
This will appear in your world if you add and structure pack

- The Garage - Where you can find some items in survival and it can be found anywhere (the two pictures are from different texture pack)
- Houses
- Item Garage
- Hangar
Showcase Video:
Version 3.6.0 - The Script and Quality of Life Update, Updated on November 01
New vehicles is on the lists:
- Chrysler Windsor
- Minivan
- Minivan Trucktype
- Vinatge Bus
- Vintage Van A
- Vintage Van B Items
- Hundreds of body parts added.
- Gases were added and improved.
New Traders:
- Key Seller 2
New Items:
- Set of Body Parts
- Set of Propellers
- New body parts added
Changes/Bug fixes:
- Due to image enlargement due to excessive image resolution (16x16 was an standard), items were shifted to attachable or 3D Item
- Improving the models of other vehicles.
- Adding scripts system.
- Adding speedometer.
- Add a camera system inspired from GTA V but there are more changes in next update.
- Migrating items, blocks and other stuff from experimental to non-experimental.
- Crafting system is been re-added and improved.
- Crafting Vehicles are being returned after many years of delayed painting; vehicles were no longer requires sneaking.
- Items are now being craftable
Check the License for more information here:
Simple Vehicles Addon © 2019 - 2024 by Ronnel Mitra / RMPlaysMC YT is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit
I see some youtubers anywhere using their own links and claimed it as theirs to download and that's the one thing that I HATE and you are not allowed to do it or else I'll watch your videos one by one and It should not been posted on other websites unless I'll post this content there to others and that's why I add the watermark on it so IF YOU DOWNLOAD THIS ADDON FROM OTHER WEBSITES
You are not allowed to:
- Modify
- Edit, Alter or Remix
- Reproduction
- Adding your own download links to your youtube videos or else i'll gonna give you a strike
You are not allowed to create a videos that has a clickbait thumbnail you must learn how to create a proper thumbnail about the addon and put the original link around it
I worked hard for it and I know It's confusing but It's needed but there's the tip and I recommend you to download them all from 1 to 6 since it could be an option to support my work and the development of this addon
Pack 1: It has 100 vehicles; the keys are also included so there's no worry [Requires "Holiday Creator Features"]
Pack 2: Structures to explore [Requires "Custom Biomes"]
Pack 3: Trader pack
Pack 4: Expansion Script Pack
NOTE: you must download it all to try all of the stuff from pack 1 to pack 5 and that's the only way to support my work and to get the full experience on simple vehicles addon
Since It was on set but that's the only way to make sure every vehicle pack has a limit
Q: How to drive a car again?
A: You must get the key from the creative inventory and put it to your vehicle
Q: Where I can see the keys?
A: Keys can be found in equipment section
Q: How can I spray the car?
A: Just get the paint and sneak to the vehicle then paint it
Q: How can I ride on the car?
A: Just get the key and sneak to the vehicle then the door open
NOTE: Not all vehicles had open/close door mechanic for now since due to the workspace limitations, for the vehicles who got 16 colors needs key to open but you must need to sneak first.
1. Download The Addon via Website
2. Follow the tips to get the addon
- On Lootlabs
- Click "Discover New Articles" and wait for 10 - 20 seconds and close
- Press "Continue"
- You've been directed to the download site and press download
- On Boostellar
- Follow The Guide
- Click "Click on Ad" and click "visit site" and close and wait for few seconds
- The You've been directed to the Download Site
3. Install Both RP and BP and other important packs since they are in separation due to item texture error
4. If you create or add it in a world, make sure you enable the experimental features such as:
Holiday Creator Features (Recommended)Custom Biomes (Recommended if you activate structure pack and this is Optional if you never use structure pack)
5. Enjoy
If you have a older version of the addon I'll recommend you to delete it before you install the latest version
The Install Arrangement must be like this
Note for android 10 - 11 users (including me using Vivo Y11 Realme C25Y These device was striketroughed becaused my phone can't handle minecraft anymore)
RAM Requirements: 4GB and Up
OS Requirements: Win 10/11, Android 10 (Android Q) and above and iOS 14+ or whatever
Here's the tutorial how to download the Simple Vehicles Addon
If you download this Mod make sure
- You are allowed to showcase this mod to your YouTube Channel
- Use it in good condition
- Use the this link to your videos and it's important to support my development
Addon by RMPlaysMC YT
Link: This Link must be included to your videos. USING THIS LINK IS MOST IMPORTANT TO YOUR VIDEOS
Discord Server:
You are not Allowed to used this Mod if you
- Redistribute to other sites without my consent
- Stealing the code without permission
If you found any issues, you can comment here Any feedback related on this addon is appreciated
Another info that vehicle workbench model was broken in 1.18.10 and I can't fix it for now
And for the people who want the direct links please don't complain why I use boostellar and lootlabs because it's my only way to earn money from my work
Anyway you can support me On Patreon to get new and early access to my content

And You can support me too via subscribe to my YouTube Channel to get new videos
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