Heeeeey, Super Pungo here bringing a very lightweigh addon that adds magical wands to your game. It is fully compatible with other addons and is vanilla/survival friendly. All wands have unique magic abilities and can also be used to PvP! Check it out!
Hi guys, Super Pungo here! I'm happy to share with you my new made magic addon called Simplewands.
This addon is fully compatible with other addons and doesn't use player.json.
This addon is still under development, so many more features will be added based on the players best feedbacks/suggestions.
For now, Simplewands adds 11 magical wands with very different recipes, powers and effects. Most wands affects all creatures, but the caster.
For more detailed information and demonstration about how each wand works, watch:
- Magic table:
You'll need a magic table to craft all the wands and to check their recipes. Simply build a normal crafting table and convert it to the magic table, like the image below (This recipe will be likely updated)

- Current wands:
Yes, that's right. An apple wand. Couldn't resist and had to make a wand based on the best fruit on earth. The apple wand shoots apples and deals not a lot of damage, but recovers a little of your saturation(food bar).

The classical "Fire wand" but with a blasting AoE projectile that can travel really far. It deals damage to nearby creatures and burns them.

The strongest and one with the coolest effects. The void wand shoots a blackhole like projectile that sucks all nearby creatures into it while damaging them.

My favorite one, after the apple wand. The Bounce wand shoots a bouncing ball that will keep harassing random nearby creatures other than the player. The projectile will randomly disappear.

The Guided wand shoots small projectiles that after few seconds will chase any random creature other than the player.

Crazy wand that launches a lot of shards ahead in random directions.

Cool wand that shoots the dripstone projectile. When it hits, causes a quake that throws nearby entities upwards.

This wand shoots an ice projectile that freezes a small area when it hits.

Another classical one, the poison wand launches a projectile that will poison all entities within a small area. Even entities that are immune to poison will be poisoned.

The Thunder wand convokes lightning bolts at nearby creatures other than the player. The damage from the bolts are increased. Do not use if your device is weak and there are many entities around.

The emerald wand launches a emerald ahead that will consume 2 emeralds from your inventory (Not needed to work). When the projectile hits, it will gather nearby entities around and damage them. For each creature affected, you get 1 emerald. Use wisely.

- Plans for the future:
- Add supportive wands, like healing and positive effect based wands;
- Make the wands enchantable;
- Finding an easy (But not so) recipe for the magic table;
- Probably, not a priority, add a mana system;
- Add summoning wands.
This addon focus on being lightweight. Features will be added to it as long they don't violate that purpose.
Please, download this addon only from the download links below. This encourages me to keep with the updates.
Download both files below at mediafire. The links will redirect to it. If you don't know how to import .mcpack files to your minecraft, there are tons of tutorials on YouTube. Please check them.
At your world settings, turn on holiday creator features and molang. Better turn them all on to prepare your world for future updates.

- Click the links. Read and follow all the instructions below so you don't mess up! All the links are safe, just follow the guide.
- Scroll down until you see "Free Access" button, click it.
- Click the "Discover Articles" button.
- YOU DO NOT NEED TO READ AN ARTICLE, just click the X at the top right. It will make you wait for a few seconds, just click the X again when it's done.
- The "Continue" button should be enabled now, click it and it should bring you to the Mediafire link.
- After downloading the files, just tap them and Minecraft should automatically install the packs.
- If that doesn't work, you can rename all .mcaddon files to .zip files then manually put the packs in the right folders (resource packs to resource_packs folder, behavior packs to behavior_packs folder). Mediafire may rename the file, so be sure to check and rename it to the right one.
You can use this add-on the way you want, even use some data as reference, just be sure to give proper credits as always. Only use this link when sharing, DON'T USE YOUR OWN LINKS.
creator: Super Pungo