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MCPE/Bedrock Siren Add-on v.2

Illustrious Member Admin

Siren Add-on v.2

Siren Add-on adds mermaids to your world, plus adds a new treasure structure that spawns over the ocean. This version includes 3 new skins and improvements, in addition several bugs have been fixed


Siren Add-on adds mermaids/sirens to your world, plus adds a new treasure structure that spawns over the ocean. 




There are three variants




Sirens spawn in the deep ocean biome between height 0 and 50, are a little hard to find, they emit a song that can be heard more than 50 blocks away and are very aggressive, they kill any fish that passes near them and if you are less than 32 blocks from distance they will follow you to kill you, they have a damage of 5 and they are very fast in water. Sirens can breathe out of water.

Siren Temple

The Siren Temple is a structure that is generated over the deep ocean biome and inside you can find a chest with a treasure. In this structure a mermaid is generated that will take care that her treasure is not stolen.

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-Three new skins for mermaids which are randomly generated

-New smooth and realistic animations -The model and texture of the mermaid has been improved

Fixed bugs

-The mermaid now spawns over the Siren Temple

-The siren is now a little slower and does less damage, this to balance and make it not so difficult to fight her

-Both the Siren Temple and the mermaid are generated in the deep ocean biome

-The siren is generated more frequently

Topic starter Posted : 03/07/2021 12:34 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 17/09/2021 11:07 am