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MCPE/Bedrock Sky Update Add-On | Sound Update (Minecraft Bedrock Edition)

Illustrious Member Admin

Sky Update Add-On | Sound Update (Minecraft Bedrock Edition)


Did you ever think that Minecraft Skies are a too empty? Well no more! Sky Update Add-On for MCPE adds different Species of birds into the game. There are 7 different birds with 5 Different Species. I’ll add more soon! If you think somethings missing… Write in the comments below!

Addon By:



Credits to:

Gabriel Castro for Vulture Model



nSky Update Add-On fills the sky with birds of preys and some other birds. The skies look beautiful and lively with different birds. Now more lively with Natural Sound FX!

New Features:

Ancient Dragon Boss:

Ancient Dragon boss is a not so much powerful. It has 200 health. It can be spawned by crafing a Ancient Dragon Fossil and Activating it.

How To Craft?:

First Craft a an Ancient Dragon fossil Like shown in the image. You can get ancient debris block by mining with a pickaxe.

Activate it using Blaze Powder Like shown in the Image.

Then just long press to summon the Dragon.


It’s worth it…

You will get 1000 exp and a Netherite Block after Defeating the dragon.




An Eagle

Eagle Hunting a Rabbit

Desert Eagle

Seagull Hunting Underwater

A Pheonix:

Eagles are turned into Phoenixes when struck by lightning.  Pheonix also spawn naturally in the Nether. The deal high damage and can be dangeorous.

There are Different types of Eagles spawning in Different biomes. The common biome Eagles hunt chickens and the rest hunt rabbits.


 Mystery Mob? (W10 Only)


The Birds:

  1. Taiga Eagle (Taiga, Mid-Snow Biomes, Cold Taiga)Passive
  2. Desert Eagle (Desert)Passive
  3. Snow Eagle (Snow Biomes, Snow Hills, Cold Taiga)Passive
  4. Eagle (Common Biomes; Example-Birch Forest)Passive
  5. Vulture (Mesa, Desert)Agressive But 0 Damage
  6. Seagull (All Ocean Biomes, Sea Biomes)Passive
  7. Pheonix (Nether[Hell])Agressive-Hostile, Fire Resist-Ability, High Damage
  8. Ancient Dragon
  9. The Glitch (W10 only)

If you wan’t to review this addon on YouTube or anything Please give me Credits😁

Many of you have been claming these models belong to Ulitimate Craft… So here’s a screenshot:

  1. Added Sound FX (Natural).
  2. Mystery Mob (W10 Only)
  3. Reduced Spawn Weight to 30-50-60-80 making the birds more rare.



1. Download both the Resource and Behavior Packs (Links are below).

2. You will be sent to the redirection page. Just wait 5 seconds and skip.

4. Download the Resources and Behaviours

5. Once downloaded, click on the files and it will automatically open up Minecraft to start importing the files!



Topic starter Posted : 15/09/2020 6:46 pm