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MCPE/Bedrock Slappers! [Clickable NPC]

Illustrious Member Admin

Slappers! [Clickable NPC]


Are you tired of clicking the same old stone button every time you want to do something? Are you a server administrator, realm owner or just want your world to be a lot cooler? Well, now you can wave goodbye to buttons and levers with this Slapper addon from PixelPoly! Simply configure the addon to your liking as described below and it’s ready to go!

Credits: PixelPoly Digital Pvt. Ltd.
Created by: Ash (Team CEO & Programmer) and Zarkmend (Team Programmer)
For any queries related to this content, please contact us at [email protected]

What does this addon provide?

– Configurable NPC means you can even change the identifier, triggered command, size, and even the skin! (Don’t worry if it sounds hard, we also got tutorial on how to set up the NPC!)
– Armor support means you can add your own armor using the command, ./replaceitem.
– Nameable entity means you can easily name them using nametags, or just spawn already named entity using /summon slapper:entity “custom_name” 

You can always join our public discord server to ask for any help about this addon, we can provide much better and detailed solutions there!

How can I change my NPC identifier?

Open both slapper.json and slapper_client.json using any code editor, you can find them inside the behavior pack and the resource pack, now edit the part which says “identifier”, for example:

“identifier”: “slapper:entity” will be “identifier”: “your:entity”

How can I change the NPC Skin?

This is one easy, just replace your own skin with the skin in resource-pack/textures, the entity support both 64x and 128x of skin.

How can I change the NPC trigger command and the size?

For the command, just add your own command inside function pack, which you can find in behavior-pack/functions/trigger, and for the size part, edit the value of “minecraft:scale” inside slapper.json according to your size.

How can I remove the NPC?

You can just remove the entity using commands, /kill @e[type=slapper:entity] or just right-click/tap with a barrier to despawn the NPC.

Hey, this addon seems cool! Can I use it?

Yes, you can but make sure you credit us 



Topic starter Posted : 23/03/2020 3:03 pm