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MCPE/Bedrock Slickest Ice Ever! | 1.16.100+

Illustrious Member Admin

Slickest Ice Ever! | 1.16.100+


Do you think standard ice isn’t very slippery? You are on the right way! This addon adds incredibly slippery ice! If you or a mob starts walking on it, then it will never stop moving!


As you can see from the brief introduction, this addon adds incredibly slippery ice. And if mobs, players, items, whatever, start walking on it, it will never lose momentum! And it will continue to move indefinitely until it leaves the ice or crashes into an obstacle!

Also, if a player, mob, item falls on the ice from a height of 2 or more blocks, then the ice will break and be turned into the water! Also, the one who fell will receive very little damage.

Also, when a player breaks the ice with his hand, he gets the same little damage. This ice does not melt, it can be crafted, it breaks when moved by a piston

gif that shows what is happening with animals on this ice (the same will happen with the players):



how to get it:

command /give @s sirob:slippery_ice

crafting recipe (ice & water_bucket):



This addon only works from version 1.16.100 and above. If your version is lower (1.16.5 / 1.16.4 / 1.16.0) this addon will not work!

For this addon to work, enable the “Holiday Creator Features” and “Additional Modding Capabilities” options in your world! Otherwise, the addon will not work!

This addon is absolutely compatible with all other addons!





Click "download" then when the page loads scroll down and find the "Free access with Ads" button and click on it. Then scroll up a bit and find "Discover interesting acticles" and click on that. A window will appear and you click on the cross, the inscription "wait 9 seconds" will appear, you wait and then click again on the cross and it will close. When it is closed click on the gray "Continue" button and hurray you did it!

creator: sirob


Topic starter Posted : 18/03/2021 12:22 pm