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MCPE/Bedrock «Sniffer Skeleton»

Illustrious Member Admin

«Sniffer Skeleton»


Sniffers are Minecraft entities that went extinct a long time ago. All that's left of them are their eggs. But if they're all extinct, where are their remains? Well, this Add-On will correct that misunderstanding

The «Sniffer Skeleton» Add-On will add Sniffer Bones to your world. Traveling through the Underwater Ruins in Warm Ocean, you may come across suspicious sand and chests – they will be hiding in them
Armed with a brush, you can dig up various remains from the suspicious sand.
And if you're not lucky with sand, you can always look in the chest of ruins: maybe there are some bones there? 

Following the game's canon, 
the remains can only be dug up in the Ruins of Warm Ocean, just like the Sniffer Egg


So you're probably thinking, «Well, I found these bones, but what am I going to do with them?» 

Well first of all, you can turn them into Bone Meal.
And secondly, you can assemble them into a full-fledged Sniffer Skeleton, which will well decorate your base!

So how do you assemble all these bones into a single Skeleton? 

First, you will need a new item – Skeleton Stand. It is crafted from three dark oak planks and three gold nuggets (photo 1.1). If you have the «Recipe Unlocking» option enabled in your world, you will first need to find any of the Sniffer bones to unlock the recipe 

After crafting, mark the location where the stand will be located. Next, check if the blocks around you are empty, otherwise the stand will not appear.
And then after all these fiddles you can click an item on the floor to set the Skeleton Stand! 

Then the stand itself will appear, but alas, there will be no Skeleton on it – you will have to assemble it by hand

To place the skeleton on the stand, we actually need the elements that will make up the Skeleton: the six Sniffer Legs, the Body and the Skull 

Just find the Sniffer Body and the Sniffer Skull you will not be able to, for this you will need to combine the bones found in the ruins on the Crafting Table 

(photo 1.2) To craft the Sniffer Skull you will need: 

  • 3 Shards of Sniffer Skull (variant one);
  • 2 Shards of Sniffer Skull (variant two);
  • 4 Shards of Sniffer Skull (variant three).

(photo 1.3) To craft a Sniffer Body you will need:

  • 6 Sniffer Ribs;
  • 2 Pieces of Sniffer Spine;
  • 1 Sniffer Pelvis.

And the Sniffer Legs are much easier: they can be found in Underwater Ruins


After getting all the above items, we need to set it on the stand 

Approach the stand and see that on its front side there is a sign that shows the item to be set 

Point the center of your screen a little above the stand, take the desired bone in your hand, and press the «Set Bone» button if you are on a mobile device, or RBM if you are on a PC.
Bam! Here is the bone set on the Skeleton. Then we follow the same pattern until we assemble the whole Sniffer Skeleton

Well, the task is done! The Skeleton is fully assembled! Now we can sit back, look at our naked Sniffer and enjoy ourselves!



In order for the Add-On to work properly, you need to enable the following options in the world options: «Holiday Creator Features» and «Molang Features»
More on the picture


  • kromadimator – 3D texture of a sniffer skeleton [Original post];
  • Mr Codru – helped with the idea;
  • Ksyusha – very cute cat. 

Made by Moldavian Minecraft Bedrock team «Grief Studio»
Contacts: Discord – myxahd



The first version of the Add-On

Explore the underwater ruins and assemble the full sniffer skeleton!

creator: Grief Studio – Minecraft
Topic starter Posted : 14/04/2024 7:18 pm