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MCPE/Bedrock Some Weird Awards

Illustrious Member Admin

Some Weird Awards


This add-on adds some awesome and original awards wich you can give to your best friend. At the moment awards aren’t really interesting, but using your imagination you can use them for something.


How to you make this thee awesome awards? It’s easy!

Just do this like on the screenshots below.

This is silver award.

This is gold award.

And this is platinum award.

To keep this page short and clean you can see the rest of the recipes here

How do you use this awards? Now that’s a good question…

Here’ a screenshot where you can see them all at once

You can help develop this addon by submitting an issue or pull requests on project’s GitHub page

Coins! Right now you can’t get them in the version uploaded here, but there is a build with coins on the github release page

What can you use coins for?

Craft them into some interesting items like diamonds! More recipes here

How do I get them?

You can get in your crafting table using the awards!


Nothing amazing since last release,

  • Added plus one award
  • Updated icon

creator: Jack_the_third


Topic starter Posted : 21/08/2020 8:38 pm