Sophisticated Backpacks [1.21.20+]
This addon adds a new Backpack with a customized interface to the game, made with leather and chest, you can store 60 items in it (54 with 6 extra slots)

8 leathers and 1 chest

How to open
Once you have your backpack, to open it, just right-click or click "open" on mobile devices


This is the interface that will appear, where you can place your items
Backpacks are not shared, each one is unique and you can place one inside the other if you want.
It has 54 slots, plus 6 extra on the left side.

Custom Name
The name of the backpack comes with an custom emoji (very simple but I thought it would be cool)

Placeable backpack
You can put the backpack on the floor, just be in shift and put it on

The backpack works like a chest, so you can also remove items from it with a funnel (or with the interface)

To put it on your back, equip it in your second hand.

This addon does not use ANY experimental features.
Updated for versions higher than 1.21.20+ (but should also work on versions up to 1.19)
100% compatible with other addons
Do not use /kill @e with this addon or you will lose your backpacks.

Permission to create this port of the java mod 👇
According to the "GNU General Public License v3.0", anyone is free to share and change a program under this license.

In this case, the only thing brought over from the original mod was the name and model of the backpack.
If you want to download the original mod this is the link:

- Added new backpack
- Customized interface, with 54 slots plus 6 extras
- Compatibility with other addons
- No experimental resources required
I've found a mild bug with this addon, it's really weird and specific so that should help you narrow it down if you decide to fix it. For some reason, if you break the backpack when it's placed with specifically a silk touch shovel (other tools don't cause the bug) you get an item called When you place that down, it doesn't let you open it. And after you break this bugged backpack, it doesn't drop anything. This happens both with backpacks that are empty and ones that have items inside.
I tried to recreate it in a different world with the same enchants on the shovel but I couldn't get it to work. It might be connected to some other addon on my world but nothing I have affects shovels so I just thought I'd let you know in case you wanted to look into it.