Soul Addon [v1.0.9, 1.17 Support!]
The Soul Addon is an addon that adds new armor, weapons, tools, bosses, and more to the game, all with special abilities and effects. Such as, the Soul Boss. with 2,000 health, and the Soul Dragon with 5,000. Don't worry though. as the new armor/weapons will get you powerful enough to engage these foes.
Soul Addon [v1.0.6, Cybernetic Update] Showcase
Basic Soul-Infused
Helmet: 3
Chestplate: 8
Leggings: 6
Boots: 3
Helmet: 363
Chestplate: 528
Leggings: 495
Boots: 429
Sword: Infinite
Pickaxe: Infinite
Mining Speed:
Pickaxe: 13
Sword: 13 (♥♥♥♥♥♥ and 1/2)
Special Abilities:
Armor: Effects (Speed 2, Jump Boost 2, Strength 1) Requires Full Set
Upgraded Soul-Infused
Helmet: 8
Chestplate: 13
Leggings: 11
Boots: 8
Helmet: 588
Chestplate: 753
Leggings: 720
Boots: 654
Sword: Infinite
Pickaxe: Infinite
Mining Speed:
Pickaxe: 20
Sword: 20 (♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥)
Special Abilities:
Armor: Effects (Speed 2, Jump Boost 2, Strength 2), Automatically refills hunger Requires Full Set
Cybernetic Soul-Infused
Helmet: 31
Chestplate: 41
Leggings: 37
Boots: 31
Helmet: Infinite
Chestplate: Infinite
Leggings: Infinite
Boots: Infinite
Special Abilities:
Can be customized using cybernetic upgrades
Helmet: 31
Chestplate: 41
Leggings: 37
Boots: 31
Helmet: Infinite
Chestplate: Infinite
Leggings: Infinite
Boots: Infinite
Sword: Infinite
Pickaxe: Infinite
Mining Speed:
Pickaxe: 40
Sword: 40 (♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥)
Special Abilities:
Armor: Effects (Speed 3, Jump Boost 3, Strength 3, Water Breathing, Fire Resistance, Night Vision), Automatically refills hunger Requires Full Set
Sword: AOE Damage (Area of Effect, attacks everything within a certain radius) Can be upgraded using an AOE Upgrade
Helmet: 31
Chestplate: 41
Leggings: 37
Boots: 31
Helmet: Infinite
Chestplate: Infinite
Leggings: Infinite
Boots: Infinite
Special Abilities:
Armor: Effects (Strength 4, Resistance 4, Water Breathing, Fire Resistance, Night Vision, Regeneration 255), Automatically refills hunger Requires Full Set
The King Set
Helmet: Invincible Requires Full Set
Chestplate: Invincible Requires Full Set
Leggings: Invincible Requires Full Set
Boots: Invincible Requires Full Set
Helmet: Infinite
Chestplate: Infinite
Leggings: Infinite
Boots: Infinite
Staff of Power: Infinite
Staff of Power: 60
Special Abilities:
Armor: Effects (Speed 3, Jump Boost 3, Strength 4, Regeneration 255, Water Breathing, Fire Resistance, Night Vision), Automatically refills hunger Requires Full Set
Staff of Power: Lava attack, Web attack, Levitation attack, Heal self, AOE Damage (Area of Effect, attacks everything within a certain radius)
The Queen Set
Staff of Power: Infinite
Staff of Power: 100
Special Abilities:
Staff of Power: Lava attack, Web attack, Levitation attack, Heal self, Flight (Exactly like creative mode flying, but in survival), AOE Damage (Area of Effect, attacks everything within a certain radius)

Crafting Items:
Eye of the Soul Boss: Obtained by killing the Soul Boss
Solidified Soul: Used to craft armor, tools, weapons, and more
Player Soul: Used to craft Solidified Soul
Scale of the Soul Dragon: Obtained by killing the Soul Dragon, used to craft armor, tools, weapons, and more
Scale of The King: Obtained by killing The King, used to craft armor, tools, weapons, and more
Scale of The Queen: Obtained by killing The Queen, used to craft the Queen's Staff of Power
Void-Bedrock Nugget: Obtained by mining Void-Bedrock in the end
Bedrockium Nugget: Used to create bedrockium armor, obtained by Void-Bedrock Nuggets
AOE Upgrade: Used to craft the Dragon-Infused Sword (AOE Upgraded Version)
Empty Syringe/Half-Full Syringe: Used to create Full Syringe, does 4 damage to the player who uses it (Empty Syringe will become a Half-Full Syringe on use. Half-Full syringe will become a Full Syringe on use)
Full Syringe: Can heal you to full health, on use it will become an Empty Syringe, also a crafting item. Can also be used to MLG, if you're good enough.
Soul Extractor: Used to extract Player Souls from a player, does 6 damage to the player who uses it. One use
Pet Wand: Used to control special pets. Such as The Prince and Princess. Right-click while holding it to switch modes.
Described Above ^^^
Cybernetic Armor Upgrades
Empty Upgrade: Removes all upgrades, and gives you the items back
Invincibility Upgrade: Makes you invincible
Movement Upgrade: Gives speed and jump-boost
Lv 2. Movement Upgrade: Gives higher level speed and jump-boost
Fire-Resistance Upgrade: Gives fire-resistance
Poison Upgrade: Gives all mobs within a 10-block radius poison (there are some exceptions, such as villagers and pets)
Slower Upgrade: Gives all mobs within a 10-block radius slowness (there are some exceptions, such as villagers and pets)
Saturation Upgrade: Constantly refills your hunger
Strength Upgrade: Gives Strength
Night-Vision Upgrade: Gives night-vision
Water-Resistance Upgrade: Gives water breathing
Soul Boss Spawner: Can be crafted, use on the ground to spawn in the Soul Boss
Soul Boss Pet Spawner: Obtained by killing the Soul Boss, spawns in a Mini-Soul Boss that you can tame with Player Souls.
Soul Boss - Dragon Form Spawner: Spawns in a cool looking spawner that when interacted with will summon the Soul Dragon platform and the Soul Dragon itself
Spawn Queen: Spawns the final boss, The Queen. Can be crafted
Spawn King: Spawns the King. Can be crafted
Spawn the Prince: Obtained by killing the King, can be spawned in and tamed with Void-Bedrock Nuggets
Spawn the Princess: Obtained by killing the Queen, can be spawned in and tamed with Void-Bedrock Nuggets
Weather Machine: Can be crafted, changes the weather on interaction
Soul Boss Head: Obtained by killing the Soul Boss. Does absolutely nothing, it looks cool though.
Cybernetic Component Crafter: Used to craft Cybernetic armor and upgrades
All recipes will be in the recipe book in-game (in the crafting menu). To see all crafting recipes, turn on "Show all Recipes" and scroll to the bottom, where all the added recipes will be.
Soul Boss:
The weakest boss of them all (not including vanilla bosses).
Damage: 15
Effect on Hit: Wither
Effect Duration: 5
Special Attacks/Abilities:
Summon Lightning
Summon Fire
Summon Cobwebs
Summon Zombies
Launch Players
Heal Self
Range (Players cannot leave the boss' specified range)
Immune to Fire
Movement Speed: 0.40
Underwater Movement Speed: 0.30
- Can walk on land
- Can swim
- Can teleport
- Can jump

Soul Dragon:
A flying Soul Boss, with wings and no arms or legs.
When summoned, it will spawn an obsidian platform at y=256 and it will be fought there. Be sure to bring slow-falling potions!
Damage: 25
Effect on Hit: Wither
Effect Duration: 5
Special Attacks/Abilities:
Summon Lightning
Summon Lava
Summon Cobwebs
Summon TNT
Summon Ravagers
Launch Players
Heal Self
Summon Wither
Knockback Resistance
Immune to Fire
Movement Speed: 2.0
- Can fly
- Can go through blocks

The King:
Really just a stronger, retextured version of the Soul Boss and Soul Dragon
The King has 2 phases. The First Phase is pretty easy, and has the same movement of a Soul Boss. The Second Phase is much stronger and has the same movement as a Soul Dragon.
Phase 1: 8,000
Phase 2: 10,000
Total: 18,000
Phase 1: 200
Phase 2: 450
Special Attacks/Abilities:
Phase 1:
- Spawn Vex
- Immune to Fire
- Summon Lava
- Summon Cobwebs
- Summon Soul Dragons (Lifespan: 30 Seconds)
- Launch Players
- Summon Lightning
- Poison
- Summon TNT
- Heal Self
Phase 2:
- Summon Soul Dragons (Lifespan: 30 Seconds)
- Immune to Fire
- Knockback Resistance
- Summon Explosions
- Poison
- Summon Lightning
- Launch Players
- Summon The King (Phase 1, Lifespan: 120 Seconds)
- Heal Self
Phase 1:
- Movement Speed: 0.40
- Underwater Movement Speed: 0.30
- - Can walk on land
- - Can swim
- - Can teleport
- - Can jump
Phase 2:
- Movement Speed: 2.0
- - Can fly
- - Can go through blocks

The Queen:
Though she causes considerably less chaos than The King, don't come underprepared as she is still much stronger than The King
The Queen also removes all special armor effects from anyone within 100 blocks (meaning you won't be invincible when wearing king armor)
The Queen has 3 phases. The First Phase has the same movement of a Soul Boss. The Second and Third Phases are much stronger and have the same movement as a Soul Dragon. Upon defeating the first phase, she will spawn the same obsidian platform as the Soul Dragon, and her next phase will start there.
Phase 1: 10,000
Phase 2: 15,000
Phase 3: 15,000
Total: 40,000
Phase 1: 20
Phase 2: 30
Phase 3: 50 - 100 (Ranged Attacks)
Special Attacks/Abilities:
Phase 1:
- Spawn Vex
- Immune to Fire
- Summon Lava
- Summon Cobwebs
- Summon Soul Bosses (Lifespan: 30 Seconds)
- Summon Lightning
- Poison
- Summon TNT
- Heal Self
Phase 2:
- Summon Vex
- Immune to Fire
- Knockback Resistance
- Summon Lava
- Poison
- Summon Cobweb
- Summon TNT
- Summon Lightning
- Heal Self
Phase 3:
- Exploding Ranged Attacks
- Summon Lava
- Summon Lightning
- Poison
- Summon Cobweb
- Summon TNT
Phase 1:
- Movement Speed: 0.40
- Underwater Movement Speed: 0.30
- - Can walk on land
- - Can swim
- - Can teleport
- - Can jump
Phase 2:
- Movement Speed: 2.0
- - Can fly
- - Can go through blocks
Phase 3:
- Movement Speed: 2.0
- - Can fly
- - Can go through blocks
- - Barely moves

Soul Boss Pet:
A cute little Soul Boss, just for you
Can be tamed with Player Souls, will show a boss bar onscreen when tamed. Will fight for you and follow you. Can sit, will not teleport, move, or attack when sitting.
Damage: 8
Effect on Hit: Wither
Effect Duration: 5
Special Attacks/Abilities:
Summon Fire
Summon Cobwebs
Launch Mobs
Immune to Fire
Healable (Owner can heal it with any type of meat, heals 100 health)
Movement Speed: 0.25
Underwater Movement Speed: 0.15
- Can walk on land
- Can swim
- Can teleport
- Can jump
The Prince:
A little King that will follow you around and protect you. He can also switch between the 2 phases.
Can be tamed with Void-Bedrock Nuggets, will show a boss bar onscreen when tamed. Will fight for you and follow you. Can sit (only in Soul Boss form), will not teleport, move, or attack when sitting. The Prince can switch between the 2 different phases of the king if you interact with him while holding a Pet Wand (really easy to craft). You can ride and control him using a Pet Wand when he is in dragon form. He can also breed with The Princess to create a baby Prince/Princess (must both be in Soul Boss form).
2,000 (Both Forms)
Damage: 20 (Both Forms)
Special Attacks/Abilities:
All abilities apply to both forms
Summon Fire
Summon Cobwebs
Launch Mobs
Immune to Fire
Healable (Owner can heal it with any type of meat, heals 100 health)
Cannot Drown
Soul Boss Form:
- Movement Speed: 0.25
- Underwater Movement Speed: 0.15
- - Can walk on land
- - Can swim
- - Can teleport
- - Can jump
Dragon Form:
- Movement Speed: 2.0
- - Can fly
- - Can go through blocks
- - Rideable
The Princess:
A little Queen that will follow you around and protect you. She can also switch between the 2 phases.
Can be tamed with Void-Bedrock Nuggets, will show a boss bar onscreen when tamed. Will fight for you and follow you. Can sit (only in Soul Boss form), will not teleport, move, or attack when sitting. The Princess can switch between phases 1 and 2 of the queen. If you interact with her holding a Pet Wand (really easy to craft). You can ride and control her using a Pet Wand when she is in dragon form. She can also breed with The Prince to create a baby Prince/Princess (must both be in Soul Boss form).
4,000 (Both Forms)
Damage: 40 (Both Forms)
Special Attacks/Abilities:
All abilities apply to both forms
Summon Fire
Summon Cobwebs
Launch Mobs
Immune to Fire
Healable (Owner can heal it with any type of meat, heals 100 health)
Cannot Drown
Soul Boss Form:
- Movement Speed: 0.25
- Underwater Movement Speed: 0.15
- - Can walk on land
- - Can swim
- - Can teleport
- - Can jump
Dragon Form:
- Movement Speed: 2.0
- - Can fly
- - Can go through blocks
- - Rideable
Void-Bedrock Ore
Used to craft bedrockium armor
The End
Y Level:
0 - 3
1 Void-Bedrock Nugget (Fortune does not affect amount)
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Turn on "Holiday Creator Features", "Additional Modding Capabilities", "Creation of Custom Biomes" and "Education Edition" In the world settings or the addon will not work!

This addon uses player.json and may be incompatible with certain other addons. To ensure that it will work, place it at the top of the behavior packs list in your world.
- Fixed bedrockium ore feature generation not working in 1.17.0+
- Tools can now mine all blocks (including new 1.17 blocks)
Turn on "Holiday Creator Features", "Additional Modding Capabilities", "Creation of Custom Biomes" and "Education Edition" In the world settings or the addon will not work!
This addon uses player.json and may be incompatible with certain other addons. To ensure that it will work, place it at the top of the behavior packs list in your world.