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MCPE/Bedrock SQTH Ores

Illustrious Member Admin


This add-on adds in some new ores that can be used with some of my other add-ons. Also, this add-on is quite useless by it's own. You can download it and play with it if you like to collect ores I guess.


Here are all the features that are in the add-on

Ores & Minerals


  • Generates between: y 0-182
  • Iterations: 20
  • Max ores per vein: 17



  • Generates between: y 0-78
  • Iterations: 14
  • Max ores per vein: 9



  • Generates between: y 0-89
  • Iterations: 16
  • Max ores per vein: 11



  • Generates between: y 0-46
  • Iterations: 8
  • Max ores per vein: 9



  • Generates between: y 0-74
  • Iterations: 13
  • Max ores per vein: 9



  • Generates between: y 0-64
  • Iterations: 20
  • Max ores per vein: 11


The ores drop raw variants of the mineral and can be smelted in a furnace or a blast furnace.



If you want to make some alloys, you'll need an alloy smelter first. Here's how to craft it:


And here's all the alloys you can make with it:


(Needs 5 copper ingots and 1 tin ingot)



(Needs 8 iron ingots and 1 coal)



As I said in the introduction, this add-on is quite useless by its own so I will use it in other add-ons but maybe I'll add some of these features to make it somewhat more useful by it's own:

  • Raw Ore Blocks
  • Deepslate variants of the ores
  • Tools & Weapons
  • Armor
  • Nuggets


Known Issues:

  • The Alloy smelter's rotation is not functioning properly
  • When mined the ore with a pickaxe, the pickaxe will not lose durability (maybe a Minecraft bug???)


Also, please enable these experimental gameplay settings or else the add-on wont work properly :>


Terms of Use: MUST READ!!!

By downloading this add-on or any other projects I made, you agree to the terms of use below:

  • You are not allowed to re-publish this add-on anywhere else. This add-on should only be seen and my website. If you see this add-on on any other site or application, report it to me immediately.
  • You are not allowed to claim this add-on as your own.
  • You are not allowed to create your own direct links. Use the links in the download section or this page instead.
  • If you are using this addon for a YouTube video, please credit me (For example. In the video's description, maybe put a link that directs you to this page, a link that directs you to my YouTube channel, or a link that directs you to my profile).
  • You have permission to use this in your world or add-on pack/modpack but please credit me and also please do not monetize it (If you're sharing it).


Topic starter Posted : 03/11/2021 10:16 am