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Squid Blocks
Did you ever think the Squids as those "so much potential that they miss out on" with the squid only being for black dye and glow squids being used for glowing item frames and the ability to glow sign text. Well this add-on adds in blocks related to the squids to give them more of a reason to exist.
Squid Full Blocks:
- Squidstone
- Polished Squidstone
- Squidstone Bricks
- Squidstone Tiles
- Squid Moss
- Squidwood
- Squid Leaves
- Squidwood Planks
Squid Slabs
- Squidstone Slab
- Polished Squidstone Slab
- Squidstone Brick Slab
- Squidstone Tile Slab
- Squid Moss Slab
- Squidwood Slab
Squid Stairs:
- Squidstone Stairs
- Polished Squidstone Stairs
- Squidstone Brick Stairs
- Squidstone Tile Stairs
- Squid Moss Stairs
- Squidwood Stairs
Glow Squid Full Blocks:
- Glow Squidstone
- Polished Glow Squidstone
- Glow Squidstone Bricks
- Glow Squidstone Tiles
- Glow Squid Moss
- Glow Squidwood
- Glow Squid Leaves
- Glow Squidwood Planks
Glow Squid Slabs
- Glow Squidstone Slab
- Glow Polished Squidstone Slab
- Glow Squidstone Brick Slab
- Glow Squidstone Tile Slab
- Glow Squid Moss Slab
- Glow Squidwood Slab
Glow Squid Stairs:
- Glow Squidstone Stairs
- Glow Polished Squidstone Stairs
- Glow Squidstone Brick Stairs
- Glow Squidstone Tile Stairs
- Glow Squid Moss Stairs
- Glow Squidwood Stairs
creator: JoeyTallarock
Topic starter Posted : 18/07/2022 1:39 pm