Staff Plugin
US : This Addon add new staff commands for everyone want to manage his server. It contains a chat command, warn and unwarn command, mute and unmute command, kick and spec inventory command. This mod was created by NovaStudio !
For use this Addon you need experimentals gameplay !
For use Staff Plugin you need Admin Staff. You can find it in Sword Category
If a player happens to have the Admin Staff, no worry he can't open the ui !
That's it the message will send for each players don't have the tag OP
For open the Ui you need have a tag OP :
And after that enjoy with your new commands !
All commands will find players connected in the world at the time you use the command.
This mod could be very useful if you are a server developper. He can allow you to manage yours players and keep an eyes on their inventory for find players who can use cheat.