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MCPE/Bedrock Stratospheer’s Paint Add-on! (v1.3)

Illustrious Member Admin

Stratospheer’s Paint Add-on! (v1.3)


Make your builds look more colourful, design and build your own house with plenty more creativity with these decorative unique blocks! This add-on was made to add a wider variation of blocks to use in survival or creative and give you a plethora of colours your builds deserve!



Stratospheer’s Paint Add-on! This add-on adds all 16 different colours to the Wooden Planks, the Brick Block, Cobblestone and Oak Log!


First, to make any of these blocks, you need a bucket of paint. This paint can be any colour and you craft it by using the dye of your choice and a bucket of water.


To make Painted Bricks, you will surround the Bucket of Paint with 8 Brick Blocks. In return, you’ll receive 8 Painted Bricks and you’ll even get the bucket back!

The similar thing goes for Planks. You surround the Paint Bucket with 8 Wooden Planks. If you wish, you can mix all different types of planks together (excluding the Crimson and Warped Nylium from the Nether Update) and again, you will get 8 Painted Planks and the bucket back.

Requested by a user of this add-on, there is also Painted Cobblestone. The same recipe follows, 8 Cobblestone surrounding a Paint Bucket. Once again, you’ll get 8 Painted Cobble and the bucket back


Requested by a handful of people, here are Painted Logs. The recipe is, can you guess? 8 Oak Logs surrounding a Paint Bucket. With that, you’ll get 8 Painted Logs and the bucket back. Make sure you remember only Oak Logs work. I will change this in the future though.

If you would like to see other Painted Blocks in this add-on, let me know and I’ll add it for you.

Final Note

This is my first add-on I have actually made and thank you for checking out it for yourself! 

Terms of Use

  • Do not distribute this add-on without using my link or MCBedrock link.
  • Do not steal any textures in this add-on and add into your own project.
  • If you are to make a showcase on this add-on, please at least credit me and add the download link in MCBedrock.

Addition of Painted Logs

Change of Paint Bucket Textures

Block Texture Tweaks



Experimental Gameplay or the Beta aren't required to use the add-on.

Just click and install, no issue!



Topic starter Posted : 04/12/2020 9:26 pm