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MCPE/Bedrock Structure Sapling (DanTDM Lab Update)

Illustrious Member Admin

Structure Sapling (DanTDM Lab Update)

Do you bored too search village or pillager outpost, well don't worry, with this this addon, you can generate your own village or pillage using.... SAPLING! yeah i know you annoyed because searching is boring



Introduce you, Village and Pillage Sapling.

There is house, meeting point, farm, big house, and medium house (For Village), and there is pillageroupost, and cage (For Pillage).

You can generate it by Bone meal the sapling, after that you can see, the structure will spawn! Also can generate randomly.

There is 7 sapling was added, 5 is for village, and 2 for pillage.

Added new Sapling, Village Armorer House Sapling, and Pillage Tent Sapling! 

In 1.0.2,we introduce you a Nether Fortress Sapling!

Icon sapling of nether fortress sapling is wither skeleton head! 😀

Structure Sapling 1.0.2 - Nether Fortress Update!

Structure Sapling 1.0.3 - Bastion Remnant Update!

We add bastion, and village fisher cottage house!

1.4 added DanTDM Lab! 

see :

creator: https:/


Structure Sapling 1.4 :

Add :

DanTDM Lab Sapling

Fixed bug at villager Fisher cottage dirt... 



  1. Download the addon in download selection. 
  2. Import the mcpack too minecraft
  3. Play it 😀


Topic starter Posted : 08/07/2021 5:39 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 09/02/2022 12:32 pm