Structures Add-on
Ever wanted some handcrafted, highly-detailed Minecraft builds that you can put in your own worlds? This pack allows you to load in 3 new structures using Structure Blocks. Enjoy!
PS: You can send me a build or request one!
With this add-on, you can use Structure Blocks load in more (currently only 3) structures for your Minecraft world. You can use it for sets used in a film, decorations for a world, or even as part of your Building worlds! These structures are extremely high-quality and are made by hand by an awesome builder (eh-hem).
YouTube Channel:
Thanks to:
TIE Fighter: A highly-detailed TIE Fighter with interior!
Name to LOAD in Structure Block: tie_fighter
Spruce Cottage: A highly-detailed cottage ready for you to move in!
Name to LOAD in Structure Block: spruce_cottage
Temple: A ruined temple with a hidden secret!
Name to LOAD in Structure Block: temple
Tropical Tree: A generic tree from paradise!
Name to LOAD in Structure Block: tropical_tree
Moai: A head straight from the islands!
Name to LOAD in Structure Block: moai
Dirt Mound: Just dirt!
Name to LOAD in Structure Block: dirt_mound
Exegol Statue: A Sith statue from the planet of Exegol.
Name to LOAD in Structure Block: exegol_statue
Sith Throne: A throne fit for a Sith Lord.
Name to LOAD in Structure Block: sith_throne
Added Sith Throne, Moai, Exegol Statue, Dirt Mound, and Tropical Tree