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MCPE/Bedrock SuperHeroes Armors Addon V3

Illustrious Member Admin

SuperHeroes Armors Addon V3


This addon adds new superheroes weapons and superheroes armors.

You can find 6 different types of armors, Batman Armor, The Flash Armor, Captain American Armor, Deadpool Armor, Hulk Armor, Iron Man Armor.

All these armors can give you different abilities, different powers, 

All these armor are strong and hard to get,

And there is 8 different weapons for Different superheroes,

This is the addon, hope you enjoy,

Good luck.

In this addon , you can find 6+ armors and 8+ weapons ,

You can craft these items in crafting table , but its hard to craft ,

This is the addon , hope you enjoy ,

There is 2 new weapons in ( extra hero’s weapons section )

Superheroes Armors


Batman Armor

Crafting recipe

Abilities :

It will give you night vision potion effect, increase a little bit of your speed, and give you extra 2 hearts to your health bar ,

 the armor will be more useful with Bat bomb and batrang .


Batman Weapons :


you can shoot it in entities and damage them 8 hearts.


Bat Bomb

you can shoot it in entities and damage them 4 hearts, or shoot it in blocks, then it will explode after a little bit of time.

The Flash

TheFlash Armor

Crafting recipe

Abilities :

It will increase your speed a lot, and make you travel distance very fast in the world.


Hulk Armor

Crafting recipe

Abilities :

It will increase a little bit of your speed, give you a high jump boost ( you can jump of  5 blocks ), give you fire resistance, with resistance 4 to protect you, and give you extra 2 hearts to your health bar .

Captain America

Captain America Armor

Crafting recipe

Abilities :

it will give high strength, so you can fight mobs easily, villager hero effect, with extra 3 hearts with very high speed regeneration.


Ironman Armor

Crafting recipe

Abilities :

It will increase a little bit of your speed, it will give you strength potion ( it will kill some entities with one hit by hand ), water breathing potion, jump boost potion ( you can jump of 3 blocks ), with extra 10 hearts to your health bar , and fill half of your armor bar.


Deadpool Armor

Crafting recipe

Abilities :

It will increase a little bit of your speed, give you fire resistance, with resistance 4 to protect you, hero village potion , and extra 50 hearts to your health bar .

I know it’s over powerd , but it’s hard to get .

Extra Hero's Weapons

Green Arrows bow

you can shoot with this bow without stopping.


Thor Hammer changed skin

When you use this weapon, it will summon lightning on nearest entities by 10 blocks.


Blades NEW

you will need it to craft Wolverines Blades.


Wolverines Blades changed skin

These blades can damage entities 8 hearts when you hit them with it, and it’s easy to get.


Green Lantern Flame Ring NEW

This Ring will place fire under entities 5 blocks away from you.


Green Lantern Fly Ring NEW

This Ring will make you fly in survival.


Deadpool Sword changed skin

This sword will damage entities 12 hearts when you hit them with it, and it’s good with Deadpool armor .



If you want to use my addon on a YouTube video, just put my addon link in description, without any direct link.


You can’t use the addon without turn ( Holiday Creator Features ) ON.

You can’t use the addon without turn ( Education Edition ) ON.


This is the addon , Hope you enjoy ,

Good luck .

creator: AmGamer766


Make the addon work on 1.18 update,

Changed thor hammer skin, Changed Wolverine Blades Skin, Changed Wolverine Crafting recipe.

added 2 new weapons, fly ring and flame ring,

This is the update, hope you enjoy it,

Good luck.


Go to addon page via link download,
Scroll down a little bit,
You will find download links,

If you are in a mobile phone and PC,
Download RES and BEH,

If you are in Xbox, download ZIP.

This is the addon, hope you enjoy it,

Good luck.

Topic starter Posted : 10/05/2021 11:52 am
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 18/05/2022 3:25 pm