SuperVanish Function Pack
Steal your friends items, troll them, and more, but do it all unseen. With SuperVanish. First, type /function sv/help. When SuperVanish is setup, type /function v or /function vanish to completely disappear. You will only be seen in Playerlist, or when wearing armor/holding an item.
This is Not the Original SuperVanish you may or may not know as a Plugin for PC Servers. It also isn‘t finished yet. If you have ideas on how to remove the Walking Particle, remove the Name in Playerlist or how to make held/worn items invisible, tell me in the comments below.
to set SuperVanish up so it works, type /function sv/setup. You are gonna get a Repeating Command Block. Place it down and set it to Always Active, then type in the Command /function sv/core.
To Vanish, type /function v, /function h, /function d, /function vanish, /function hide or /function disappear.
to Unvanish, type /function unv, /function unvanish or /function reappear.
With the Vanish command, you can have fun trolling your friends and watching Hackers or Players.
Made by ReducerAmStart.
To Use this file in your world/realm, tap the Link below, then, when downloaded, press „import to Minecraft“. When in Minecraft, go to your World-Settings > Behaviour Packs, then Click on the Icon and press „+“. When joining your world again, you just have to Setup Vanish, et voilà, you're done. Hav Fun!
Supported Minecraft versions
1.12 - 1.13