Survival Planes Addon V.6.5 *NEW CAMERA VIEW FEATURE* [Military Features] +1.20.10
On this page the addon is explained in 7 sections; Creations, Improvement, Repairs, Military Features, Structures, Airplanes functioning and Realms. The installation steps for the addon and the changelog for recent versions are at the bottom of this page.
~Block: Aviation Crafting Table:

This is the most important block, useful to crafting each part necessary to craft the basic airplanes, the pilot suit, and equipment (fuel, propellant key and the repair kit).

-Pilot suit: (helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots) This suit has the same protection as an iron armor, but half the resistance. The pilot helmet gives night vision during 25 and the pilot chestplate gives slow falling during 6 seconds (functioning as a parachute) every time you wear it from the main bar.


-Fuel: Its necessary to refuel the plane. Its drinkable but has strange side effects. It has only one use.
-Plane Key: This new item is useful to ignite and turn off the plane engine.
-Propellant Key: Give x2 speed propulsion during a couple of seconds. It has 15 uses.
-Repair Kit: Heals 30 plane health. It has only one use.
-Wrench: This new item is useful to Pick Up the airplane when you want to dismount a mob. It has only one use.

-Connected Propellers
-Airplane Cockpit

-1.Wood Biplane:Speed:0.18 Seat:1 Inventory:6 Health:20

-2.Gold Biplane:Speed:0.18 Seat:1 Inventory:8 Health:25

-3.Lapis Biplane:Speed:0.20 Seat:1 Inventory:12 Health:30

-4.Redstone Biplane: Speed:0.22 Seat:1 Inventory:10 Health:35?nbsp;

-5.Iron Biplane: Speed:0.22 Seat:1 Inventory:14 Health:40

-6.Copper Biplane: Speed:0.24 Seat:1 Inventory:16 Health:45

-7.Diamond Airplane: Speed:0.26 Seat:1 Inventory:18 Health:50

-8.Emerald Airplane: Speed:0.28 Seat:1 Inventory:25 Health:55

-9.Netherite Airplane: Speed:0.30 Seat:1 Inventory:20 Health:60. Resistence to fire, lava and projectiles.

-10.Iron Airliner: Speed:0.22 Seat:10 Inventory:15 Health:45

~Block: Aviation Smithing Table:

It is use to crafting each part necessary to improve airplanes.

-Extended Airplane (Wood, Gold, Lapis, Redstone, Copper, Iron, Diamond, Emerald,Netherite): Add an extra seat for players, villagers, monsters (witch, pillager, zombie and skeleton) and some animals (wolf, cat, ocelot, rabbit, chicken and pig). There are 2 ways to dismount a mob, the first one is using the wrench item to pick up the plane, and the second one is getting very close to the mob to kill it.

-Amphibious Airplane (Wood, Gold, Lapis, Redstone, Copper, Iron, Diamond, Emerald,Netherite): Allows the plane to land on water.

-Amphibious Extended Airplane (Wood, Gold, Lapis, Redstone, Copper, Iron, Diamond, Emerald, Netherite): Has the 2 previous improvements.

~Block: Aviation Anvil

It is use to repair all airplanes mentioned above.

4.Military Features
~Block: Aviation Armament Table

It is use to craft fighter airplanes, ammo and bombs.

-7MM Bullet: Useful for dealing damage to players, planes and mobs. Deals 5 damage. Nearby blocks hit by these bullets will break apart and kick up dust particles. Gives you 6 bullets when you craft it.
-Incendiary 7MM Bullet: Useful for dealing damage to players, planes, and monsters. Deals 7 damage. These bullets break the nearby blocks hit and cause fire. Gives you 6 bullets when you craft it.

How to shoot: To shoot press right click. Only the pilot can shoot the ammo. All planes can only shoot 1 type of bullet, the respetive list is more down below.

-TSAR TNT: This is a powerful bomb that has a radius of 20 explosion blocks. It does not cause fire.

-Napalm TNT This is a lethal incendiary bomb that has a radius of 10 explosion blocks.

How to drop bombs: To drop the bombs press the key or button assigned to throw objects. Important. Not all the planes can drop all the bombs, the respective list is down below. Important: Do not leave TNT items dropped or it will explode when you get on an airplane. For now, the only feature that does not works on Realms/Aternos is drop Napalm and Tsar TNT, but the regular one still works.

Planes can only fire 1 type of bullet and some drop certain bombs, here is the respective list of basic and improved airplanes:
-Wood Biplanes: Standard Ammo-Standard TNT.
-Gold Biplanes: Standard Ammo-Standard TNT.
-Lapis Biplanes: Standard Ammo-Standard TNT.
-Redstone Biplanes: Standard Ammo-Standard TNT.
-Iron Biplanes: Standard Ammo-Standard TNT, Napalm Bomb.
-Copper Biplanes: Standard Ammo-Standard TNT, Napalm Bomb.
-Diamond Airplanes: Incendiary Ammo-Standard TNT, Napalm and Tsar Bomb.
-Emerald Airplanes: Incendiary Ammo-Standard TNT, Napalm and Tsar Bomb.
-Netherite Airplanes: Incendiary Ammo-Standard TNT, Napalm and Tsar Bomb.
-Iron Airliner: Cannot shoot or drop bombs.

-1.Fokker EIII: Speed:0.20 Seat:1 Inventory:8 Health:25. -Standard Ammo.-Standard TNT, Napalm and Tsar Bomb.

-2.Sopwith Camel: Speed:0.24 Seat:1 Inventory:16 Health:45. -Standard Ammo. -Standard TNT, Napalm and Tsar Bomb.

-3.Mitsubishi A6M Zero: Speed:0.28 Seat:1 Inventory:24 Health:55. -Standard Ammo. -Standard TNT, Napalm and Tsar Bomb.

-4.Supermarine Spitfire: Speed:0.30 Seat:1 Inventory:26 Health:60. -Standard Ammo. -Standard TNT, Napalm and Tsar Bomb.

-5.B-25 Mitchell: Speed:0.24 Seat:4 Inventory:27 Health:100. -Incendiary Ammo. -Standard TNT, Napalm and Tsar Bomb.

-6.Stuka: Speed:0.30 Seat:1 Inventory:26 Health:60. -Standard Ammo. -Standard TNT, Napalm and Tsar Bomb.

-7.Fokker Dr1 Triplane: Speed:0.24 Seat:1 Inventory:16 Health:45. -Standard Ammo. -Standard TNT, Napalm and Tsar Bomb.

-8.Messerschmitt BF-109s: Speed:0.30 Seat:1 Inventory:26 Health:60. -Standard Ammo. -Standard TNT, Napalm and Tsar Bomb.

-9.P-51 Mustang: Speed:0.30 Seat:1 Inventory:26 Health:60. -Standard Ammo. -Standard TNT, Napalm and Tsar Bomb.

-10.Republic P-47D Thunderbolt: Speed:0.28 Seat:1 Inventory:24 Health:55. -Standard Ammo. -Standard TNT, Napalm and Tsar Bomb.

There are 3 abandoned hangars and 2 military camps. These will appear in different biomes but with a low probability. These have loot related to the theme of the structure. Explore your world, find them, you may find some surprises.

Refuel: With the fuel equipped on hand, right click outside the airplane to fueled it. It only has one use. When the airplane is fueled the color of the cockpit left panel will change from red to green with orange and will appear a text saying 100%. The fuel load has a quantity of 4000 units and lasts 13 minutes of consumption when the plane is on. Be attentive on the plane fuel consumption when you're flying or it gonna turn off and have a free fall.

Ignite Engine: Now to control and fly the plane you have to ignite/on the plane engine when this is fueled. With the Plane Key equipped on hand, right click inside to ignite the engine. The color of the cockpit right panel will change from red to green and will appear a text saying the fuel consuming. When the plane is on, it begins to consume fuel.

Turn Off Engine: Now when you are no longer controlling the plane, its necessary to turn it off the plane to not consume fuel. When the airplane is on, with the Plane Key equipped on hand, right click inside to turn off. The color of the cockpit right panel will change from green to red.

Fly: Move forward and look upward to fly and look downward to go down.

Propel: With the propellant key equipped on hand, right click inside the airplane to propel.

Repair: With the repair kit equipped on hand, right click outside or inside to repair the airplane.

Pick Up: Now you can pick up the airplane, useful to not destroy it when you want to dismount a mob. With the wrench equipped on hand, right click outside the airplane to pick up. You will lose the fuel load if your plane had it before.

Destroy: When airplanes are destroyed, they will drop their airplane remains, useful to repair it or improve it with the extense or floats. Improved airplanes remains are combinable with each other. Important: You have to remove all the items from the plane inventory or it will disapper when you destroy it.

*NEW* Light ON/OFF: Now the planes have lighting, useful to travel at night or in dark areas. To turn on/off the light, crouch and tap or right click to the plane with the engine started. This feature does not consume the fuel, but the light will turn off when you turn off the engine or run out of fuel.

*NEW* Smoke effect: This smoke will apper when the health of the planes is lower than 5 hearts/health. This detail add inmersion and is useful to warn you about the condition of your plane. To quit this effect you only has to use a repair kit.

*NEW* Camera View Feature: This is a craftable "Camera" that displays a user interface, allowing the camera view to be changed for better third-person airplane control. This is a beta feature and his download is apart for the addon. With the distanced view you are able to see underground, so it could be consider a cheat, this is bug that will probably be fixed in a future update. Here it is his recipe, UI and a showcase video of it.

7.How to install Survival Planes Addon on Realms.
Now that the addon has Realms Support you need to follow this steps and warnings:
⚠️If you has a previous addon version ,deactivate from your worlds that have it and then delete it from cache (You won't lose your progress).
⚠️Don't replace the world of your Realm with a one that has the addon activated or it gonna give error in your Realm.
General Specifications:
?#9888;️You must activate all experimental features in your world.
⚠️You can tag this addon but give me credits and use the original link.
✔️This addon has translation into English, Spanish and Portuguese.
✔️The command to get blocks and more from the addon is /give @s tc:...
🚩Do not copy or modify my code.
Credits to @Husana909 for allowing me to reference his fuel consumption counter code.
Survival Planes V.6 July/20/23:
-Added light feature on airplanes.
-Added smoke effects on airplanes when these have low health.
-Aternos and Realms compability fixed.
-Added breakable block features (glass,grass,seeds etc.)
-Adjusted knockback resistance to better looking.
-Updated items max stacked size.
-Updated loot in structures.
-Incresed variaty of mobs that can ride airplanes.
-Improved 3D audio of planes.
-Bomber health has been increased to 100.
-Now the Napalm and Tsar TNT recipes will give you 2 items each.
-Several bugs fixed.
Survival Planes V.6.5 July/27/23:
-Updated airplanes speeds.
-The propeller key is useful in all the airplanes.
-Bug fixed of airplanes not sinking in water.
-Implementation of the camera view.
Survival Planes V.6.5:
-Updated airplanes speeds.
-The propeller key is useful in all the airplanes.
-Bug fixed of airplanes not sinking in water.
-Implementation of the camera view.
-Updated download links.
(If you has a previous addon version, deactivate from worlds that have it and delete it from cache)
1.Click free access.
2.Click read articles and click the x.
3.Wait 10 seconds and click continue.
4.Download the BP and the RP of the addon and doble click to install it.
5. Select your minecraft world and active it all the experimental features in edit settings.
6.Active the behaviour and resource pack of the addon in your minecraft world.