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MCPE/Bedrock Survival Spawn Eggs Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

Survival Spawn Eggs Addon


Updated to version 2.0, added a lot of new spawn egg recipes, new spawner tokens and more!

If you always wanted to create spawn eggs in survival, this addon is the perfect addon for you! Using this addon you are able to craft lots different spawn eggs for almost every mob in the game. The addon can be used to make a farm or get mobs to your base easier.

To craft a spawn egg you will need at least 1 diamond. Different entities require more or less diamonds to craft depending on their size or rarity. I tried to balance the recipes as much as possible, if there are any issues or suggestions you are free to contact me on twitter @MitchD_03 

Below are all the recipes used to create spawn eggs and the monster spawner.

First off is the recipe needed to craft a monster spawner:

In the center of the monster spawner is a new item called a spawner token. This token can be crafted using a nether star or ender dragon egg, but is also able to spawn in chests which are located in end cities. Here are the recipes of the spawner token:

Here's an example of how a spawner token can generate inside an end city chest:


Here are the crafting recipes for the spawn eggs:

Some of the recipes contain more of each item than is required. You will only need ONE of each item shown in these recipes.

Recipe for the bat spawn egg:

Recipe for the blaze spawn egg:


Recipe for the cat spawn egg:

Recipe for the cave spider spawn egg:

Recipe for the chicken spawn egg:

Recipe for the cod spawn egg:

Recipe for the cow spawn egg:

Recipe for the creeper spawn egg:

Recipe for the dolphin spawn egg:

Recipe for the donkey spawn egg:

Recipe for the drowned spawn egg:

Recipe for the elder guardian spawn egg:

Recipe for the enderman spawn egg:

Recipe for the endermite spawn egg (You can place the diamond and ender pearl everywhere on the crafting table):

Recipe for the ghast spawn egg:

Recipe for the guardian spawn egg:

Recipe for the horse spawn egg:

Recipe for the husk spawn egg:

Recipe for the llama spawn egg (you can use any color carpet here):

Recipe for the magma cube spawn egg:

Recipe for the mooshroom spawn egg (must be the red mushroom):

Recipe for the panda spawn egg:

Recipe for the parrot spawn egg:

Recipe for the phantom spawn egg (I really don't know why you would spawn them :P):

Recipe for the pig spawn egg (Oink!):

Recipe for the pigman spawn egg (Not oink!):

Recipe for the polar bear spawn egg:


Recipe for the pufferfish spawn egg:

Recipe for the rabbit spawn egg:

Recipe for the salmon spawn egg:

Recipe for the sheep spawn egg (Can be any color wool):

Recipe for the shulker spawn egg:

Recipe for the skeleton spawn egg:

Recipe for the slime spawn egg:

Recipe for the spider spawn egg:

Recipe for the squid spawn egg (#bringbacksquidmilk):

Recipe for the stray skeleton spawn egg:

Recipe for the tropical fish spawn egg (Must be coral block but can be any color):

Recipe for the turtle spawn egg:

Recipe for the villager spawn egg:


Recipe for the witch spawn egg (Must be potion of instant health 1 (they drop them)):



Recipe for the wither skeleton spawn egg:

Recipe for the wolf spawn egg:

Recipe for the zombie spawn egg:

Below are the new recipes added in version 2.0: 

Recipe for the Bee spawn egg: 

Recipe for the ocelot spawn egg:

Recipe for the fox spawn egg: 

Recipe for the glow squid spawn egg:

Recipe for the strider spawn egg:

Recipe for the hoglin spawn egg:

Recipe for the piglin spawn egg:

Recipe for the zoglin spawn egg:

Recipe for the piglin brute spawn egg:

Recipe for the goat spawn egg:


Recipe for the axolotl spawn egg:

Recipe for the allay spawn egg:

Recipe for the frog spawn egg:

Recipe for the pillager spawn egg:

These are all the recipes of the spawn eggs! If you need help or anything else contact me on twitter @MitchD_03. Have fun with this addon!



Survival Spawn Eggs Update 2.0!

  • Added 14 new spawn egg recipes!
  • Changed the old fire token into a new Spawner Token with a custom texture!
  • Spawner tokens can now be found in end city chests!
  • Updated pack icon and cover image
  • Fixed bugs where old recipes where not functioning as expected


Make sure you turn on the creator experimental gameplay options in the world options. For easy install download the .mcaddon and open it to install. Make sure to enable both the behavior pack and the resource pack so the addon functions properly. Also make sure to delete older versions of the pack by going to settings > storage and removing the old behavior pack and resource pack before updating to a newer version.


Topic starter Posted : 09/09/2019 5:34 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 11/05/2023 3:18 pm