V1 Survivalcraft More Food
Survivalcraft more food is a new addon than adds new food variants, harvest, nuggets and a new mob. The rice bug was fixed in this new version and it has a new support with survivalcraft more tools and more biomes, don't worry, I am working on a new version of these addons.
The new mob is the yak than is similar to a cow but with a new meat

This meat has a lot of saturation and is better than the golden carrots.
Also tthe addon adds mineral apples, carrots and his enchanted variants

All of this has their unic and special effects
The carrots could be craft with the new nuggets and the carrots

The new harvest are the corn, rice, bean and fig with al of this and more you could craft the new foods





The new foods
Fig seed

New avocado and nopal

Survivalcraft more tools and armor, and Survivalcraft more biomes compatibility

New nether and end food

The new end food generates normaly in the end

New end food
New nether food
Nopal, Avocado and Tomato added
Survivalcraft more tools and survivalcraft more biomes compatibility
1.- Go to the end of the submission and click in the mcaddon, archive
2.- Export mcaddon archive to minecraft
3.-Wait the exportation
4.-Active the resource and behavior packs
5.-Active the experimental options
6.-Go to play the addon in your world
creator: Aleg199546