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MCPE/Bedrock Survivalplus V2 (Complete Rework)

Illustrious Member Admin

Survivalplus V2 (Complete Rework)


 100+ new items and mobs


download this add-on now and start up a massive survival world with all of your friends


have you ever dreamed of more tools and ores like java, well now your chance because your dream just became true


Perfect for survival worlds


ps: all swords and items work


ps: axes have higher damage than swords




most of the items added so far!


Silver ore 

Drops Silver Ingots 

Silver Ingots Can Craft Swords and Axes


Giant Skeleton

160 health and is a boss


Crystal Chicken

Drops Crystals which can craft swords and axes



Drops green apples, grapes, mint and corn

(more foods coming soon)

Water bottle 

To Craft put a glass potion with water inside it 


Copper Ore

Drops Copper Ingots

Copper Ingots Can Craft Swords And Axes


Beacon Crystal Sword

35 attack damage  (most powerful sword in the game so far)


Beacon Crystal Axe 

40 attack damage (most powerful axe in the game)


Lava Sword

5-13 attack damage



Ender Knights Sword 

2nd most powerful sword  (you can guess the attack damage)

might add ender knights as a mob later on if you want that!


Ender Knights Axe 

(have a guess)



Water Sword 

4-10 attack damage


Water Axe 

5-12 attack damage



Poop Sword

there’s now an in-game item called poop which you can eat 


Ruby Sword 

(pillagers now drop rubies)

5-16 attack damage


Ruby Axe

6-18 attack damage


Silver Axe

4-16 attack damage


Silver Sword 

4-16 attack damage


Undying Axe & sword 

joint 2nd best axe and sword 


SilverFish/Lightning update:


Silverfish king drops silverfishscales not normal silverfish


lightning sword

summons lightning and gives you fire resistance so lightning don’t kill you 


Hey Guys thanks for checking out my add-on

sorry if I couldn’t get images for all the items and everything is a mess. I added too many items so with some items you will have to just find out when you play!

There’s a hidden boss in this add-on  Play to find out!

Thank you for downloading

Updates coming in the future

Mob Update

Texture Update

Weather Update

Comment down below which one!

Hey guys if you normally skip linkvertise pls don’t because I don’t make you install and extension or download from an exe or activate notifications even tho this would get me more money 



added silverfishscales

added lightning sword

added lightning function 

added effects to lightning sword so it wont kill you



I removed adfly

Hey guys if you normally skip linkvertise pls don't because I don't make you install and extension or download from an exe or activate notifications even tho this would get me more money 




Topic starter Posted : 28/07/2020 10:36 pm