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MCPE/Bedrock SweetsMobs Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

SweetsMobs Addon


A sweeter and candy world.

A complement that adds new creatures and entities to our game and give us sweets and gifts but also new aggressive entities .

Welcome to the SweetsMobs addon!


This addon brings 9 new entities and 7 edible items



Cursed spore:

An evil entity that attacks players in survival and if it kills you it disappears without a trace

-does not drop any item only gives experience 

Sweet boss:

– Appears in the normal world

-An entity that you can mount or kill in exchange for unique minerals that vary from the diamond to the restone

-Has a paddle that turns on its head and is a beautiful giant block

-It is a pasifica entity and will not attack you 

Red Pig:

-Add a pig with more life and drop a dear red candy that gives you regeneration for a while 

Blue Pig:

-Add a pig with more life and drop a darling blue candy that gives you speed for a while 

Purple Pig

-Add a pig with more life and drop a darling purple candy that gives you night vision for a while 

Yellow Pig

-Add a pig with more life and drop a dear yellow candy that gives you instant life 

Aqua Pig

-Add a pig with more life and drop a dear acua candy that gives you aquatic breat for a while   

Orange Pig

-Add a pig with more life and drop a dear orange candy that gives you saturation for a while 

Green Pig

-Add a pig with more life and drop a dear green candy that gives you a high jump for a minimum time 




Berris confit (speed)

Strawberry confit (regeneration)

Orange Confit (saturation)

Lemon confit (hop)

Confite de Mora (night vision)

Yellow Confit (instant health)

Confita de Acua (aquatic respiration)

New entities will be added in V2.0

Creator by MarcoGamer

Twitter: @MarcoGamer_
Twitter: @SurviCraft_


Allied communities:

Team TwitchTube Creators
Team Infinite Minds



Topic starter Posted : 03/07/2020 12:48 pm