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MCPE/Bedrock Swords+ Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

Swords+ Addon


Do you like swords in Minecraft? But do you think that there is not enough of them? Well this addon will add over 20 new swords to the game, all of which are craftable and some even having special abilities! Enjoy it!


ENABLE EXPERIMENTAL GAMEPLAY IN WORLD SETTINGS. If you don’t, the new items won’t show up.


There are a total of twenty-six new swords added in this addon as said above, with a few of them being variants for already existing swords. Most swords are crafted in the exact same way as you would make one, one stick at the bottom of the crafting grid and two materials on the slots above. You can also obtain all swords by typing /function swords in the chat. Additionally, in the newest update, I have created a tutorial world for this addon as the number of swords is getting higher and higher with each update! This world will teach you about all the swords, how to craft them and their abilities! I will put a list of the swords added by this addon below, though. 


List of Swords:

*Spruce Sword (crafting recipe not working)

*Birch Sword (crafting recipe not working)

*Jungle Sword (crafting recipe not working)

*Acacia Sword (crafting recipe not working)

*Dark Oak Sword (crafting recipe not working)

*Crimson Sword

*Warped Sword

*Bamboo Sword

*Flimsy Sword

*Andesite Sword (crafting recipe not working)

*Granite Sword (crafting recipe not working)

*Diorite Sword (crafting recipe not working)

*Blackstone Sword

*Coal Sword

*Lapis Sword

*Emerald Sword

*Redstone Sword

*Obsidian Sword

*Slime Sword

*Honey Sword

*Bone Sword

*Netherrack Sword

*Quartz Sword

*Magma Sword

*End Stone Sword

*Purpur Sword


*Added 3 new swords - Flimsy Sword, Bone Sword and Purpur Sword

*Added a new swords+ example world that shows off all the swords, what they do and how to craft them!

*Reduced the effectiveness of the speed boost from the Lapis Sword

*Slightly buffed the damage of the Obsidian and Coal Swords

*Updated texture of Netherrack Sword

*All the swords will now show you how much damage they do on their name

*Fixed the swords function command not giving you the end stone, bamboo and quartz swords



Downloading the file titled “Sword Expansion Addon 1.0.4” gives you just the swords+ Addon itself for you to play with! Downloading the “Swords+ Example World” gives you the example world to test the swords on.



Topic starter Posted : 15/09/2020 6:39 pm