Tameable Warden (BEST UPDATE!)
Have you ever wanted to keep the warden as a pet? Well now you can! By downloading this add-on, the warden will now be tameable! This tameable warden functions like any other pet that you can tame in minecraft.
Make sure to activate this pack in the behavior pack settings!

How to tame the warden?
- You will need an echo shard to tame it!

Add-on features:
- You can make the warden sit and stand after it has been tamed

- You can also heal the warden using soul sand (only works after it has been tamed)

What happens after the warden has been tamed?
-The warden will follow you like every other pet does
-The warden will attack any mob that attacks the owner (same function as the wolf)
-The warden attacks any mob that the owner attacks (same function as the wolf)
-The warden will not be attackable by its owner (same function as the allay)
-The warden can follow its owner through the nether (same function as the allay)
-The warden will get a health and attack boost (same function as the wolf)
-The warden can sit and be healed by its owner (same function as the wolf and cat)
-The warden will protect it's owner if the owner is sleeping (only if the warden isn't sitting)
-The warden doesn't dig
KNOWN ISSUES: The warden can detect the players vibration in creative mode (when tamed)
What's New?
Add-on update:
-I am no longer using the warden code from Elegance
-The Warden can once again dig (not when it's tamed)
-The Warden will now attack any mob the owner attacks (when tamed)
-The Warden now detects vibration when tamed (doesn't attack after hearing any vibration)
-The Warden no longer looks at the owner when the owner holds soul sand (when tamed)
-The Warden no longer gives the darkness effect to any player, even the owner, for a split second after it has been tamed
-The Warden now attacks any mob that attacks it (when tamed)
-Use Minecraft 1.19+
-Activate this pack in the behavior pack settings
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpm4lyyAyJO3duAuaPzrzUw