Team Blocks
This addon adds ten different colored blocks to the game each with a corresponding team, I will be calling these team blocks. When a team block is broken then everyone on that team is on there last life. when someone's team block is broken and they die then they will spawn in a prison with the opportunity to spectate.
The colors of all the team blocks are
- White
- Black
- Grey
- Cyan
- Blue
- Red
- Purple
- Pink
- Orange
- Green
To use this addon you will need to enable "Holiday Creator Features" and "Education Edition" in the settings of your world. This will in no way affect any survival gameplay.
Once you've loaded up a world with the behavior and resource pack then you must run the command /function setup. this command will destroy anything in the chunk at zero zero so be aware of that, but it will setup a scoreboard at zero zero among other things. this scoreboard will show you when a team block has been placed and when it has been broken. Now you should run the command /function TB. when you run this command it will spawn a barrel on you with all of the team blocks along with matching banners. In order to join a team all you need to do is drop the banner of the team you want to join. To join a different team just drop the banner called "NO TEAM" then drop the banner of whatever team you would like to join. If you put more than one of the same block down it could break the scoreboard, as well as if you put two or more blocks within a ten block radius of each other then they may break. Another cool feature of this addon is every block placed down should have a beam of particles from the bottom of the world to the top.
This addon would be good for a makeshift bedwars game or perhaps for a war server. Just let me know of anything I should add to this addon or anything I should change.