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MCPE/Bedrock Terracraft (Mob Update)

Illustrious Member Admin

Terracraft (Mob Update)


Terracraft combines to very popular game minecraft and terraria. With this addon you will be able to explore countless new biomes and gather new ones. Fight new enemies and new bosses. Go it alone or with friends. Become stronger and rule this world.


Terracraft is a addon where it brings terraria into a 3d environment. Fight bosses explore Biomes make tools weapons and armor. Create a new world. This addon will challenge you, your skill, and your patience. Fight build craft. Terracraft will get frequent updates that include bosses mobs ores blocks items weapons and more. There are currently 40 new items, 33 new blocks, 49 recipes,2 new mobs, and 1 new biome

#Version 1.0.0

×10 new items[8 accessible]

Copper Pickaxe 

Copper short sword

Copper Broadsword 

Copper Axe

Copper Bar

Copper Ore

Copper Armor 

Copper Watch [not accessible]

Copper bow [not accessible]

Amathest Staff [not accessible]

×7 new blocks

Copper Ore block

Copper Brick and Wall

Copper Plating and Wall

Copper Kit tier 1

Copper Kit tier 2

×12 new crafting recipes 

×0 New Biomes [None at this time]

×0 New entities 


All new items

there are 7 new blocks that are crafted with the copper ore and copper bar’s 

Copper ore is found randomly generated through out your world it’s not rare and breaking this ore will give you one ore

Copper bars are smelted in a blast furnace [normal furnace will not work]

You can craft the tier 1 copper kit with 9 bars

With the tier 1 copper kit you can put it in a stonecutter and make the Copper Shortsword, Copper Broadsword, Copper Pickaxe, Copper Axe.

You can also craft the tier 2 copper kit with 9 tier 1 copper kit’s. With the tier 2 copper kit you can craft the copper armor [texture not working] this armor will give you resistance 2.


#Vesion 1.0.1 [Iron Update]

×15 new items [14 accessible]

Iron Ore

Iron Bar

Iron Broadsword 

Iron Shortsword 

Iron Pickaxe 

Iron Axe

Iron Hammer


Iron bow [not accessible]

Iron Helmet

Iron Breastplate 

Iron Greaves 

Iron Armor 

Life Shard 

Life Crystal 

×7 new blocks

Iron Ore Block 

Iron Tier Kit 1

Iron Tier Kit 2

Iron Tier Kit 3

Iron Brick

Iron Brick Wall

Red Crystal Block 

×19 new crafting recipes 

×0 New Biomes [none at this time

×0 new entities 

All items 

All the new blocks [except for the Red Crystal Block And iron ore] are made from the new ore, Iron ore. This is the terraria Variant of this ore which is stronger than normal iron.

Iron ore can be found between y:0-84 in every biome [not the nether or the end]

Iron ore can only be destroyed with a copper pick and up

Iron ore will always drop 1 iron ore

Iron or can be put in a blast furnace [not a normal one] and will be made into Iron Bars

Red Crystal Blocks can be found between y:0-35 in every biome including the nether and the end

Red Crystal Blocks can only be destroyed with a Iron Hammer or up

Red Crystal Blocks will have a faint glow

Red Crystal Blocks will always drop 1 life shard

Combine 9 life shards to make a Life Crystal which you can consume and gain extra Hearts [if you die you will lose effect]

To use Iron Tier Kits put them in the stone cutter. This will allow you to make tools, weapons, and armor.

You can craft the iron armor with the three pieces 

Chains are crafted with one iron bar in a stone cutter 


Copper watch can now be crafted with one chain and 6 copper bars

Copper ore now spawns less often 

Copper armor has been nerfed from resistance 3 to resistance 2


#Version 1.0.2 [Biome Update]

×0 new items

×19 new blocks 

Stone block 

Stone wall

Stone slab

Stone slab wall

Planked wall


Dirt wall



Red Brick 

Red Brick Wall 

Red Stucco 

Red Stucco Wall

Grey Stucco 

Grey Stucco Wall 

Grey Brick

Grey Brick Wall

Living wood [Creative only]

Grass block

×18 new crafting recipes 

×0 new entities 

×1 new biome

Terraria grass lands

This biome contains the new grass block the new stone block and the new silt block. It will generate anywhere between y:40 -68

It can generate in water in the ocean on mountains or on plains 

No mobs will spawn there 

No ores will spawn there

This is a warm biome

It rains here rarely 

The biome has a medium rarity [It has a 30% chance of spawning in a chunk]

Clay will spawn naturally under ground

Silt will spawn naturally under ground 

#Some Crafting Recipes 

Planked walls

Grey Stucco Wall 

Red Stucco Wall 


#Version 1.0.3 [Mob Update]

×5 New items [2 accessible]


Pink gel

Green Slime Banner [not accessible]

Pinky Banner [not accessible]

Slime staff [not accessible]

×0 new blocks

×0 new recipes 

×2 new entities 


Green Slime 

These two new inhabitants of your world are not to be underestimated. They will bunch up fast and take you out. Dont try and run because if they feel like it. They will chase you down.

Green Slime 

Type common 




Health 14

Attack 6

No fall damage 


This slime may be the weakest of them all but he has a 98%chance of spawning in your world. And with enough of them. They could be the thing that kills you. They will spawn in the day and on the surface 


Type mythical 


Pink Gel 



Health 150

Attack 5

No fall damage 


This slime is the rarest slime of them all with a 0.5% chance of spawning in your world. She may be the smallest slime out of them but she will tank your hits and most likely take you out with some help.

She will spawn anywhere there is light


Added new items 

Added new entities 

Fixed iron armor strength 

Fixed broken crafting recipes 

Fixed sounds 

Tweaked copper recipes 




Click on link

Go to file and open it

Turn experimental gameplay on




Topic starter Posted : 02/06/2020 3:26 pm