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MCPE/Bedrock The Elemetal Weapons of Spinjitsu V2 (Bug Fixes Update)

Illustrious Member Admin

The Elemetal Weapons of Spinjitsu V2 (Bug Fixes Update)

This addon allows you to become an elemental ninja in Minecraft! Fight baddies, gain stronger weapons and gear all with this addon! Are you ready to become an Elemental master?!? Well with hard work and this addon you can! This addon is based of the show ninjago and allows you to bring that element to bedrock! Your journey can begin with a tiny bit of reading, hard work and this addon and your set!



Do you want to become an elemental ninja, with a variety of abilities to choose from?!? If so this addons for you! In this addon you gather resources, explore the deepest depths of the world to gain power! Is this journey for you?!? Make sure to watch the latest v3 videos and the document for info and downloads!



Go Subscribe to Prince MJ he made an awesome video make sure to support him!


Also subscribe to my youtube for updates and other amazing content!!




Please go to the link above to get to the document with all the info and the v3 download! 

Editors please delete this once read but please accept this on Friday as thats when the video will be out.

The V3 download is the document I put it on there so people read it and get the info. Thank you for your work pls delete this text and the text above once read!

Coming soon

(Bug fixes and more)

  • May add light and dark elements
  • May make The Elemental Weapons 3D
  • Adding guardians
  • Share your suggestion in the comments or on my twitter page below!!
  • Needing an idea for mobs pls comment or tweet me!!


Credits/terms of use

  • This addon was made by CydenCraft
  • If you make any type of online video make sure to give credit to CydenCraft and put this link in
  • This addon belongs to mcbedrock only I don't want this addon on other apps or websites with out my permission! You can contact me on discord: CydenCraft#9272. Or on twitter!


Sub to CydenCraft on youtube I will post updates and other addon reviews and more mc content go check me out!

The discord server has been deleted due to it being dead but I have started a Twitter Page where I share some news so go check me out! 

If you have any suggestions or bugs report them on my Twitter page (link above) or in the comments below!



Please go to the V3 document and read the info and download v3 from there!


Topic starter Posted : 14/05/2021 6:13 pm