The Frosted Expansion Pack | The Lost Settlement Update v1.2
The Frosted Expansion Pack is a combination of various mobs from the Minecraft Dungeons DLC: Creeping Winter as well as a small twist on it. The colder biomes of Minecraft have become an even more chilling place to be. The Creeping Winter is probably one of my favorite DLCs (I like that you get a little fox pet too, I named him Glacier) and I would love the see a winter biome update because the base one seems pretty boring.
This addon brings 3 new hostile mobs; The Frozen Zombie, the Iceologer, the Icy Creeper, and Frozen Slimes. It also adds a new Boss, The Glacier as well as the Illusioner miniboss
Frozen Zombie
Throws a snowball that inflicts its target with slowness as well as damaging 4 hearts and then will dash towards its target dealing attack damage of 3,
Just like a normal zombie.
Icy Creeper
It will charge at you like a normal creeper and explode but the explosion affects the player with slowness.
Just like a normal creeper.
Summons a chunk of ice above its targets head that follows it around until finally crashing down on it
Only spawns on ice mountains and spawns at any time of the day.
The Illusioner
Shoots fireworks arrows that deal a lot of damage.
Illusioner – 188
Illusioner Clone – 1
When the Illusioner senses a target nearby it will vanish then reappear with multiple clones of itself. The Illusioner can also blind the player. Only spawns in Illusioner Campsites.
The Glacier
Hurts like an iron golem
The Glacier will first start with a small attack of summoning blocks of ice that is similar to the Iceologer except the blocks don’t follow you. Then afterward the Glacier will roar and switch to an “Ice Rain” mode which summons multiple blocks of ice in the sky that will fall, damage, and inflict the target with slowness, during this, the Glacier will be invisible. After a little bit, the Glacier will switch to spamming blocks of ice before restarting the process.
To spawn in survival, you must have an “Icy Creeper” near at least 2 ender crystals.
Will heal itself when standing on packed ice.
I thought it would be best to recreate the items from the game itself just make sure when creating your world to have Holiday Creator Features on.
The Ice Wand
Spawns in a block of ice that does damage to 9 hearts. If used properly this can be pretty fatal and very useful against large groups.
Spawns in ice chunks in the ice mountains.
The Frost Slayer
The Frost Slayer is an indestructible blade that is freezing to the touch and never seems to melt.
Does 8 attack damage and when right-clicking or tapping and holding the blade it will start a similar ice rain effect as the Glacier. (The wielder will not be damaged by the ice blocks)
Dropped by the Glacier
Frost Armor
This legendary armor, forged from ice that never melts, makes the wearer feel as if they are one with winter.
This armor set can only be found in ice chunks in the ice biome and when wearing the full set the player will inflict hostile mobs with slowness creating a chilling aura like in the Minecraft Dungeons game.
Ice biomes such as the snowy tundra, frozen river, the cold taiga, and ice mountains have a more blue fog to create a winter effect. Grass and dirt have been replaced with snowy grass and soil. Leaves also turn white in cold biomes.
Ice Chunks
Ice mountains spawn with ice chunks that may contain loot, parts of the frost gear, or the ice wand.
Highland Tiaga
The highland taiga generates instead of the taiga hills and has extremely large spruce trees and can sometimes have soil or snow as the top layer.
The Illusioner Campsite
Holds the Illusioner miniboss and also comes with invisibility potions in a cauldron.
Frozen Slime Cage
Holds a frozen slime surrounded by snowy stone bricks, stone tiles, stone pillars, and wooden crates. This is a really rare spawn since the frozen slime freezes almost anything nearby.
The Ice Fortress Lamp Rune
The Ice Fortress Lamp spawns in the ice plains biome and contains the ice fortress lamp
Nearby is a settlement trigger, when clicked on you can activate the ice lamp rune and start a challenge to get good loot or even the ice lamp itself. There are 3 stages and when active nearby mobs do not burn in daylight.
Stage One
Stage one starts off by spawning in multiple frozen zombies, strays, and spiders and you must survive long enough to make it to the next stage. When finished another settlement trigger will replace one of the blocks nearby.
Stage Two
Similar to stage one but spawns iceologers instead of spiders.
Stage Three
For the final stage, you must fight the illusioner as well as frozen zombies that occasionally spawn in. Once the timer is finished a diamond chest will spawn with your reward.
All these textures were ported straight from MC Dungeons I do not own any of these 🙂
The Ice Fortress Lamp
When clicked the lamp will turn on. Cannot be crafted in survival but can be obtained from The Ice Fortress Lamp Rune.
Diamond Chest
Can spawn loot when opened (Is usually referred to as the obsidian chest)
Stone Pillar and Tiles
Stone tiles can be crafted by placing stones in a 2×2 grid. The stone pillar can be crafted as shown:
Snowy Stone Pillars, Tiles, and Stone Brick
You can right-click on regular stone tiles/pillars to change it to its snowy variant. They can be changed back by using any type of hoe. However, snowy stone brick must be crafted as shown:
Snowy Wooden planks and Wooden Crate
These two can be crafted as shown:
Settlement Blocks cannot be crafted how can be obtained by mining them.
Rune Beacon Blocks cannot be crafted nor mined.
Please make sure these options are when creating your world.
There is also a secret with foxes by the way 😉 and it has to do with changing their name and feeding it berries (There’s a hint in this addon description)
Please do not steal and publish this add-on, thank you 🙂
- Iceologer's pose is less slanted
- The Glacier now drops correct loot
- Added the Frozen Slime
- Added The Illusioner
- Added Frozen Slimes
- Added the Ice Fortress Lamp
- Iceologer's Ice Chunk movement is now smoother
- Retextured Ice Blocks
- Removed Frost Scythe
- Added Frosted Slayer
- Changed Ice Wand's texture resolution
- Frost Armor now actually slows nearby mobs
- Added Ice Fortress Lamp item
- Added Rune Beacon item
- Blocks
- Added Snowy Grass
- Added Soil
- Added Snowy Stone
- Added Snowier Stone
- Added Covered Snowier Stone
- Added Snowy Stone Bricks
- Added Stone Pillar
- Added Snowy Stone Pillar
- Added Stone Tiles
- Added Snowy Stone Tiles
- Added Wooden Crate
- Added Diamond Chest
- Added Lost Settlement Blocks
- Added Rune Beacon Blocks
- Added Ice Fortress Lamp Block
- Cold Biomes now use snowy grass and soil instead of dirt
- Cold biomes now have a more blue fog
- Added the Highland Taiga
- Added Ice Fortress Lamp Rune
- Added Illusioner Campsites
- Added Frozen Slime Cages
- Changed Ice Chunk's spawn pattern
- Download Add-on
- Activate it when creating a world (Behavior packs tab)
- Make sure you are in 1.16+ to turn on Creation of Custom Biomes and Holiday Creator Features
- Create the world