The Little Things
This addon isn't really ambitious. I just want to add vanilla-style or simple new aspects to Minecraft. From Weapons made from the souls of the damned to simply more kinds of food.
The First version is the Souls of the Nether which gives the souls a new purpose other than simply waiting in the soul sand valleys aside from that more foods can aid you on your Minecraft Adventures.
Soul Fire Sword
A weapon imbued from the souls of the very sand and soil I am standing upon. With 10 damage this beauty is any explorer or fighter's best friend.

Here is the recipe for the sword
The materials will be shown later after the weapons showcase so be patient.
Would you not love a good old reapin? This scythe is stronger than the sword as it deals around 11-12 damage. You can reap both the dead and the living.


The final weapon and my personal favorite is the Mirage which is a sword that is rumored to act as a window to the world of souls.(just a rumor) tthis is one of the stronger weapons but it is more expensive as you need more nether stars to craft this beast.
No in game photo sadly

Now we move to the materials.
We have the Tears of Souls
these tears are what contain the souls you harvest from the soil and are a base material for this addon

Compressed Souls are tears which have been crushed to a powder like substance and have far more Soul potency( I don't know the term) tthan the tears they are made from.

We now have the food for this addon:

pork flavored souls soup(You will feel slight nausea since the souls enter your mind) this tasty soup let's you absorb the souls inside and gives you regeneration .
Crimson Soup

(try it for yourself)
creator: DevastatorX5
More Content is coming soon and maybe suggest something new in the comment below.
Simply download below and tell me if there are any bugs in this addon.