The Unexpected Update
Wanna play in your survival world the new super epic Minecraft update 1.20, the unexpected update? (I don't think Mojang really wants to add this)Adds more uses to axolotls, new blocks and some unexpected stuff XD
Axolotls now have a chance to drop their skin!

Axolotl Block:
I added a new crafting recipe, the axolotl block!
Axolotl blocks can be crafted filling up all the tiles in the crafting table with Axolotl Skin

Axolotl Blocks emit light and are very very slippery, more than ice. Try it out!
Swole Axolotls:
There's a new mob (Uses Iron Golem AI) called Swole Axolotl.
You really don't want to mess with them!
If you do, I'm sure you are gonna regret it...
It can also help you killing stuff.

Axolotl Item:
If you somehow managed to kill the Swole Axolotl (maybe you did the 3 block tower trick IDK) then it will drop this item, it serves as food and when you eat it you get 8 food points (4 bars) and a bone!

Axolotl Food:
We've already seen an axolotl special, but you know what's even better than that? Exactly, a cooked axolotl!
You can place an axolotl bucket into a furnace, smoker, campfire or soul campfire to get it. Delicious!!!

Pig Block:
You can get it with 9 porkchops, when you interact with it, it gives you 5 hunger points

Cookie Block:
This block is just used to store cookies.

Candle Block:
The candle block is crafted just the same as the pig and cookie ones, but with candles.

If you place it down and interact on it with a flint and steel, you can light it up.

It emits a light level of 15, which is the maximum.
Stone Block Variations:
-Stone Chunk:
1/8 of a stone block

-Stone Piece:
1/64 of a stone block

-Stone Fragment:
1/512 of a stone block

(The crafting recipe is repeated with every block)

Stone Pixel:
1/4096 of a block

Stone Semipixel:
1/32768 of a block

(trust me, there's a point where it so small that i had to grab a spyglassXD)
Stone Dot:
1/262144 of a block

Stone Bit:
1/2097152 of a block

Stone Unsignificant Fragment:
1/16777216 of a block (texture and shading don't work with such a small model for the block)

Archeology (Maybe the only non-cursed feature of this "update"):
Archeological places:

This places are spread around the world, they're kinda rare. The best place to find them is on plains biomes, they can also be found in forests, savannah, jungle and taiga biomes, but since there are trees it's unlikely for one of this to spawn there.
You can find oxided brushes there, however, they won't be able to dig the entire block.
To craft a brush you'll need copper and string and place the EXACTLY like this in the CRAFTING TABLE

You can use your brush to dig in the gravel and dirt found on that places.
For those curious people, the namespace is mobheads
for example, the pig block id is mobheads:pig_block
There are currently 2 languages, English from US and Spanish from Spain.
First Public release. After so much testing, having fun with friends showing them this, finally it's public:D.
Download the .MCADDON file and open it, minecraft should open and when it load it should say "Successfully Imported"
creator: Ignaciohdi