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MCPE/Bedrock Tiger Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

Tiger Addon

Tigers! Every Minecraft world should have tigers. Oh, Minecraft doesn’t have tigers? Well, it does now!

Welcome to the Tiger Addon, your new best friend in the mad world of Minecraft. Find them, tame them, take revenge on everything.

Update: minor bug fixes, tested 1.13

Where to find them

You can find these beasties in Savannah and jungle biomes and Bengal tigers in plains biome. Initially neutral to the player, will attack if hurt. Naturally hostile to skeletons and zombies. And rabbits. The Bengal attacks witches at sight.

What to do with them

Tameable with fish. Once tamed hostile to anything that attacks the Player or anything the Player attacks. Games of tag with your friends will be lots more fun! They are breedable with golden apples (nothing worthwhile is easy). And you’ll have your own cuddly and deadly-lethal little baby tiger. 

How to repair them

Can be healed with fish (especially clown fish) and beef. 

Fun facts about them

High attack damage and health. Just like a real one.


Removed unnecessary json files from the installation, fixed animation files issue (caused lots of annoying debug messages), tested with 1.13.


  1. Download the mcaddon file and double-click it to install.
  2. Minecraft should open and two packs (behaviour and resource) should import.
  3. Create a new world (or click the pencil icon next to an existing world).
  4. Click 'Resource Packs' and select Tiger, press the plus button. This will add both the resource and the behavior packs to your game.
  5. Click 'Play'
  6. Enjoy!



Topic starter Posted : 01/11/2019 8:19 pm